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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.


She ran she won: identifying and overcoming obstacles to getting elected to parliament

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February 12, 2015

She ran she won: identifying and overcoming obstacles to getting elected to parliament

iKNOW Politics has compiled video testimonies from women parliamentarians from all over the globe to create this video on identifying and overcoming obstacles that women women face when seeking ele

iKNOW Politics has compiled video testimonies from women parliamentarians from all over the globe to create this video on identifying and overcoming obstacles that women women face when seeking ele

World News

Nicola Sturgeon: 'I want to help women'

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Nicola Sturgeon: 'I want to help women'


Nicola Sturgeon has been in the job only three months but already she is eyeing her legacy. “Being the first woman First Minister is a big responsibility and I feel the weight of that acutely. I’m determined to use that position to help further the ability of other women to get on in their chosen field.”

She argues it is time to use force to get more women into politics and the boardroom: “Quotas are necessary. They’re a blunt tool. But if we had a real meritocracy now we’d have a gender balance.

Nicola Sturgeon has been in the job only three months but already she is eyeing her legacy. “Being the first woman First Minister is a big responsibility and I feel the weight of that acutely. I’m determined to use that position to help further the ability of other women to get on in their chosen field.”

She argues it is time to use force to get more women into politics and the boardroom: “Quotas are necessary. They’re a blunt tool. But if we had a real meritocracy now we’d have a gender balance.

World News

Israel's first ever ultra-Orthodox women’s party makes bold debut

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Israel's first ever ultra-Orthodox women’s party makes bold debut


The first-ever Israeli political party dedicated to ultra-Orthodox women, was unveiled Monday.

The first-ever Israeli political party dedicated to ultra-Orthodox women, was unveiled Monday.

World News

Gender equality: time for quotas in Scottish politics?

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Gender equality: time for quotas in Scottish politics?


We have a woman who is First Minister if that’s not an example of us reaching gender equality, what is?

We have a woman who is First Minister if that’s not an example of us reaching gender equality, what is?

World News

Women take 7 of Taiwan's 22 council speaker seats

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Women take 7 of Taiwan's 22 council speaker seats


A new day for women dawned in Taiwan Thursday, with females winning seven of the 22 city and county council speaker positions throughout the country.

 The seven are Wu Pi-chu of Taipei, Kang Yu-cheng of Kaohsiung city, Jao Ching-ling of Taitung county, Liu Chen Chao-ling of Penghu county, Sung Wei-li of Keelung city, Hsiao Shu-li of Chiayi city and Hung Li-ping of Kinmen county.

A new day for women dawned in Taiwan Thursday, with females winning seven of the 22 city and county council speaker positions throughout the country.

 The seven are Wu Pi-chu of Taipei, Kang Yu-cheng of Kaohsiung city, Jao Ching-ling of Taitung county, Liu Chen Chao-ling of Penghu county, Sung Wei-li of Keelung city, Hsiao Shu-li of Chiayi city and Hung Li-ping of Kinmen county.

On November the 19th 2014, Nicola Sturgeon became the first female Prime Minister of Scotland

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 by Lucile Huguet Scotland didn’t get enough Yes to become independent from England. However, the country is at a real turning point of its history. Scotland got its first female politician elected as head of the country. As we know, the No vote was predominant at the last referendum where people were asked if they wanted Scotland to remain part of the UK or not.

Megan Leslie, NDP deputy leader, Canada

December 1, 2014

Megan Leslie, NDP deputy leader, Canada

Justin Trudeau’s ejection of two Liberal MPs from his caucus—over allegations of sexual harassment of two anonymous NDP MPs—has unnerved Ottawa.

Justin Trudeau’s ejection of two Liberal MPs from his caucus—over allegations of sexual harassment of two anonymous NDP MPs—has unnerved Ottawa.


Do women make political parties more successful?

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Do women make political parties more successful?

The ideology and internal organization of political parties affect how different societal needs, interests, and social demands are represented. Some parties have been great advocates of gender equality and promoting women in their candidate lists through either quotas or alternation rules.

The ideology and internal organization of political parties affect how different societal needs, interests, and social demands are represented. Some parties have been great advocates of gender equality and promoting women in their candidate lists through either quotas or alternation rules.

World News

Myanmar: Building Strategies for Women Legislators to Succeed

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Myanmar: Building Strategies for Women Legislators to Succeed


September 27-28, 2014, the Parliamentary Centre held a workshop entitled “Strategies for Women Legislators to Succeed” in partnership with International IDEA.


September 27-28, 2014, the Parliamentary Centre held a workshop entitled “Strategies for Women Legislators to Succeed” in partnership with International IDEA.