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World News

Israel's first ever ultra-Orthodox women’s party makes bold debut

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Israel's first ever ultra-Orthodox women’s party makes bold debut


The first-ever Israeli political party dedicated to ultra-Orthodox women, was unveiled Monday.

The first-ever Israeli political party dedicated to ultra-Orthodox women, was unveiled Monday.

World News

Gender equality: time for quotas in Scottish politics?

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Gender equality: time for quotas in Scottish politics?


We have a woman who is First Minister if that’s not an example of us reaching gender equality, what is?

We have a woman who is First Minister if that’s not an example of us reaching gender equality, what is?

World News

The woman behind a massively influential political movement

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The woman behind a massively influential political movement


Since Stephanie Schriock became president of EMILY's List, the political action committee focused on getting more pro-choice Democratic women elected to office, much has changed. The organization has raised more than $52 million and helped elect 62 women to the House and the Senate.

Since Stephanie Schriock became president of EMILY's List, the political action committee focused on getting more pro-choice Democratic women elected to office, much has changed. The organization has raised more than $52 million and helped elect 62 women to the House and the Senate.

World News

Sturgeon out to smash glass ceiling

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Sturgeon out to smash glass ceiling


Smashing the glass ceiling women face to "smithereens" is an important part of tackling inequality, Scotland's new First Minister has said.

Nicola Sturgeon, who is the first female to take on the top job in Scottish politics, pledged she would work to "ensure there are no limits on women's ambitions".

Smashing the glass ceiling women face to "smithereens" is an important part of tackling inequality, Scotland's new First Minister has said.

Nicola Sturgeon, who is the first female to take on the top job in Scottish politics, pledged she would work to "ensure there are no limits on women's ambitions".

World News

Tomasic supports Grabar Kitarovic as next president of Croatia

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Tomasic supports Grabar Kitarovic as next president of Croatia


Member of the European Parliament Ruza Tomasic on Sunday supported HDZ candidate Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic in the race for the next president of Croatia, saying that Croatia was ready for a woman president.

"Croatia is ready for a woman president and this is the future president of the Republic of Croatia," Tomasic told Hina after meeting Grabar Kitarovic in a central Zagreb square. She described the presidential candidate of the strongest opposition party as "a firm and steadfast woman who knows what she is saying and doing."

Member of the European Parliament Ruza Tomasic on Sunday supported HDZ candidate Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic in the race for the next president of Croatia, saying that Croatia was ready for a woman president.

"Croatia is ready for a woman president and this is the future president of the Republic of Croatia," Tomasic told Hina after meeting Grabar Kitarovic in a central Zagreb square. She described the presidential candidate of the strongest opposition party as "a firm and steadfast woman who knows what she is saying and doing."

World News

Women in high office: Indonesia 8, Australia 1

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Women in high office: Indonesia 8, Australia 1


Indonesia’s new president Joko Widodo has appointed eight women to his cabinet, vastly outdoing the Australian government when it comes to female representation.

The humble furniture maker-turned president, more accustomed to carving wooden cabinets than those of the political kind, will embark on his reformist agenda with plenty of female input, including from former Indonesian ambassador to the Netherlands Retno Marsudi as Foreign Minister.

Indonesia’s new president Joko Widodo has appointed eight women to his cabinet, vastly outdoing the Australian government when it comes to female representation.

The humble furniture maker-turned president, more accustomed to carving wooden cabinets than those of the political kind, will embark on his reformist agenda with plenty of female input, including from former Indonesian ambassador to the Netherlands Retno Marsudi as Foreign Minister.

World News

Female president will solve Ghana’s problems — Dr Baah

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Female president will solve Ghana’s problems — Dr Baah


The Deputy General Secretary of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Dr Yaw Baah, has said that the country’s economic problems could be solved when a female is elected as the president.

“If you want Ghana to develop, make a woman the president," he said, adding that “corruption will go down if we have many female ministers.”

Dr Baah made the call during the closing ceremony of a five-day capacity building workshop organised by the TUC for 50 of its staff members from all districts in the Brong Ahafo Region.

The Deputy General Secretary of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Dr Yaw Baah, has said that the country’s economic problems could be solved when a female is elected as the president.

“If you want Ghana to develop, make a woman the president," he said, adding that “corruption will go down if we have many female ministers.”

Dr Baah made the call during the closing ceremony of a five-day capacity building workshop organised by the TUC for 50 of its staff members from all districts in the Brong Ahafo Region.

World News

State recognizes rights of indigenous peoples

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State recognizes rights of indigenous peoples


June 12, 2014 became a landmark date in the history of El Salvador and marked a victory for Betty Pérez, coordinator of the Salvadoran National Indigenous Coordinating Council (CCNIS). The indigenous community of this Central American country succeeded in getting the Legislative Assembly to approve an amendment to Article 63 of the Constitution of the Republic. With this amendment, the indigenous community’s rights become expressed in the Constitution, forcing the State to create public policies that develop and protect the community.

June 12, 2014 became a landmark date in the history of El Salvador and marked a victory for Betty Pérez, coordinator of the Salvadoran National Indigenous Coordinating Council (CCNIS). The indigenous community of this Central American country succeeded in getting the Legislative Assembly to approve an amendment to Article 63 of the Constitution of the Republic. With this amendment, the indigenous community’s rights become expressed in the Constitution, forcing the State to create public policies that develop and protect the community.

World News

Leading ladies of Oireachtas, Ireland: 'Rare birds' on hunt for equality

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Leading ladies of Oireachtas, Ireland: 'Rare birds' on hunt for equality


THE Seanad chamber is always a handy place for a parliamentary photo shoot. For a start, it's a beautiful room, all corniced high ceilings, sparkly chandeliers and plush blue leather seats.

Secondly, it's as under-used as a copy of Mao's 'Little Red Book' would be at a Reform Alliance monster meeting.

We invite you to read the full article published January 29, 2014

THE Seanad chamber is always a handy place for a parliamentary photo shoot. For a start, it's a beautiful room, all corniced high ceilings, sparkly chandeliers and plush blue leather seats.

Secondly, it's as under-used as a copy of Mao's 'Little Red Book' would be at a Reform Alliance monster meeting.

We invite you to read the full article published January 29, 2014