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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

World News

Reactions in Brazil after the horrendous raping of a 16-year old girl in Rio de Janeiro

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Reactions in Brazil after the horrendous raping of a 16-year old girl in Rio de Janeiro


After the brutal raping of a 16-year old girl by 30 men in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, different women's groups have carried out actions of rejection, as this

After the brutal raping of a 16-year old girl by 30 men in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, different women's groups have carried out actions of rejection, as this

World News

The reasons behind Temer's white men-only government in Brazil

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The reasons behind Temer's white men-only government in Brazil


New article published in The Atlantic explores the reasons behind Michel Temer’s decision to establish a white men only government in Brazil. The fact that the new government of Brazil is only made up by white men caused many commentators to question its legitimacy, particularly due to Brazil’s exceptional diversity.

New article published in The Atlantic explores the reasons behind Michel Temer’s decision to establish a white men only government in Brazil. The fact that the new government of Brazil is only made up by white men caused many commentators to question its legitimacy, particularly due to Brazil’s exceptional diversity.

World News

Pew Research study on how gender relates to political attitudes

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Pew Research study on how gender relates to political attitudes


In a political context marked by the historical fact that a woman is the leading candidate for presidential nomination of a major USA political party, Hillary Clinton, Pew Research Center Survey explains how gender relates to poli

In a political context marked by the historical fact that a woman is the leading candidate for presidential nomination of a major USA political party, Hillary Clinton, Pew Research Center Survey explains how gender relates to poli

World News

Women and Politics in Turkey

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Women and Politics in Turkey


CaféBabel, the collaborative online magazine created by young Europeans in 2001, published an article on the relationship between women and politics in Turkey. In the article, Seyma Gelen, feminist and researcher transnational electoral sociology at the Free University of Brussels, decodes the election results and the secret of the popularity of AKP. She said:

CaféBabel, the collaborative online magazine created by young Europeans in 2001, published an article on the relationship between women and politics in Turkey. In the article, Seyma Gelen, feminist and researcher transnational electoral sociology at the Free University of Brussels, decodes the election results and the secret of the popularity of AKP. She said:

World News

Chilean Senate approves criteria of gender quotas for political parties

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Chilean Senate approves criteria of gender quotas for political parties


The Chamber of the Chilean Senate approved with 35 votes in favor, the new law on political parties, in the absence of some outstanding voting points. This new law aims to advance internal democracy of political parties in Chile and has a special interest in gender equality. Thus, neither men nor women may exceed the threshold of 60% on the candidates for the various elections held in the country.

The Chamber of the Chilean Senate approved with 35 votes in favor, the new law on political parties, in the absence of some outstanding voting points. This new law aims to advance internal democracy of political parties in Chile and has a special interest in gender equality. Thus, neither men nor women may exceed the threshold of 60% on the candidates for the various elections held in the country.

World News

Online platform 'Representation 2020. A Century from Suffrage to Parity' works for women's political empowerment

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Online platform 'Representation 2020. A Century from Suffrage to Parity' works for women's political empowerment


World News

Australian Liberal Party wants to increase the number of female MPs to 50 per cent during the following decade

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Australian Liberal Party wants to increase the number of female MPs to 50 per cent during the following decade


In Australia the Liberal Party had recently stated that it is considering to double the proportion of its female Members of Parliament. This objective is supposed to be achieve during the next ten years. The reasons for this change go beyond the political empowerment of women, also involving greater levels of accountability and transparency.

In Australia the Liberal Party had recently stated that it is considering to double the proportion of its female Members of Parliament. This objective is supposed to be achieve during the next ten years. The reasons for this change go beyond the political empowerment of women, also involving greater levels of accountability and transparency.

World News

Ireland's Prime Minister, Mr. Enda Kenny, declares his intention to constitute a parity government if he wins the elections

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Ireland's Prime Minister, Mr. Enda Kenny, declares his intention to constitute a parity government if he wins the elections


Ireland’s Prime Minister, or Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, has recently declared his intentions to constitute a parity government if he is to continue in power after the next elections.

Ireland’s Prime Minister, or Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, has recently declared his intentions to constitute a parity government if he is to continue in power after the next elections.

World News

Female British Politicians Discuss Gender Quotas

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Female British Politicians Discuss Gender Quotas


British UKIP Politician and Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Louise Bours (see image), made recently a statement against gender quotas benefiting the participation of women in politics. Her statement followed the commentaries of Ms. Harriet Harman, former Labour deputy leader, who told the BBC ‘We can’t have a men-only leadership when we are party for women and equality’. Harman’s declarations followed the announcement of a reshuffle of Corbyn’s shadow cabinet.

British UKIP Politician and Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Louise Bours (see image), made recently a statement against gender quotas benefiting the participation of women in politics. Her statement followed the commentaries of Ms. Harriet Harman, former Labour deputy leader, who told the BBC ‘We can’t have a men-only leadership when we are party for women and equality’. Harman’s declarations followed the announcement of a reshuffle of Corbyn’s shadow cabinet.