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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

World News

Mexico opened in the cycle "Women and Politics: A pending subject"

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Mexico opened in the cycle "Women and Politics: A pending subject"


Monday, November 16, has started in Mexico a new lecture series on Women and Politics "A pending issue". Speakers will include the Secretary of the Federal District, interviewed by Doña Guadalupe Loaeza in Nuevo Laredo. The event, organized by the Municipal Institute for Women in collaboration with the government of Nuevo Laredo seeks to contribute to the political empowerment of women. See more information about the event on this link.

Monday, November 16, has started in Mexico a new lecture series on Women and Politics "A pending issue". Speakers will include the Secretary of the Federal District, interviewed by Doña Guadalupe Loaeza in Nuevo Laredo. The event, organized by the Municipal Institute for Women in collaboration with the government of Nuevo Laredo seeks to contribute to the political empowerment of women. See more information about the event on this link.

World News

BRIDGE Project Encourages Women's Voting in Haiti

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BRIDGE Project Encourages Women's Voting in Haiti


Sixteen years ago the BRIDGE –Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections– project was initiated. This is a joint initiative between the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). The BRIDGE project has four main objectives:

Sixteen years ago the BRIDGE –Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections– project was initiated. This is a joint initiative between the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). The BRIDGE project has four main objectives:

World News

New LSE Study Recommends Gender Quotas to Fight Gender Inequality

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New LSE Study Recommends Gender Quotas to Fight Gender Inequality


The London School of Economics have launched a new study concluding that gender quotas to place women in positions of power are needed in order to guarantee gender equality. This quotas would include both private and public sectors and the study makes particular emphasis on parity within political parties to guarantee decision-making processes free from gender discrimination.

The London School of Economics have launched a new study concluding that gender quotas to place women in positions of power are needed in order to guarantee gender equality. This quotas would include both private and public sectors and the study makes particular emphasis on parity within political parties to guarantee decision-making processes free from gender discrimination.

World News

Mobilizing greater global investment in gender equality and women’s empowerment

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Mobilizing greater global investment in gender equality and women’s empowerment


To mobilize global leaders to increase the scale and scope of funding for gender equality commitments, UN Women, together with the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Sweden, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development, co-hosted a side event on “Transformative financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment: Expectations from the Financing for Development process” on 16 April in New York.

To mobilize global leaders to increase the scale and scope of funding for gender equality commitments, UN Women, together with the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Sweden, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development, co-hosted a side event on “Transformative financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment: Expectations from the Financing for Development process” on 16 April in New York.

World News

Bhutan's first female minister: engineer, equality warrior and former civil servant

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Bhutan's first female minister: engineer, equality warrior and former civil servant


Being a civil servant in this country is a unique challenge. Moving from a 20-year civil service career to becoming a government minister – and becoming the first democratically elected female minister of the country in the process – could be seen as even more of a challenge, but it’s one that Dorji Choden has taken on with ease. For Choden, an engineer by training, being in the service of her country is something she is glad to take on – and it beats the year she spent doing a master’s degree in Syracuse, New York state, where she was desperately homesick.

Being a civil servant in this country is a unique challenge. Moving from a 20-year civil service career to becoming a government minister – and becoming the first democratically elected female minister of the country in the process – could be seen as even more of a challenge, but it’s one that Dorji Choden has taken on with ease. For Choden, an engineer by training, being in the service of her country is something she is glad to take on – and it beats the year she spent doing a master’s degree in Syracuse, New York state, where she was desperately homesick.

World News

End of an era: 10 Labour women who changed the face of Westminster

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End of an era: 10 Labour women who changed the face of Westminster


When the 2010 parliament comes to an end on 30 March, 10 of the Labour party’s most high-achieving female MPs and former ministers will be standing down. Some of them began their parliamentary careers in 1987, and together they have clocked up 200 years in parliament.

When the 2010 parliament comes to an end on 30 March, 10 of the Labour party’s most high-achieving female MPs and former ministers will be standing down. Some of them began their parliamentary careers in 1987, and together they have clocked up 200 years in parliament.

World News

Nigeria's only female presidential candidate done with cheerleading

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Nigeria's only female presidential candidate done with cheerleading


Lagos (AFP) - The two main candidates for the governorship of Nigeria's Lagos state took to the stage, making a flurry of promises to the all-female audience at the select Cosmopolitan Women's Club.

The men even pledged a 35 percent quota of women in the state government and initiatives on girls' education.

Lagos (AFP) - The two main candidates for the governorship of Nigeria's Lagos state took to the stage, making a flurry of promises to the all-female audience at the select Cosmopolitan Women's Club.

The men even pledged a 35 percent quota of women in the state government and initiatives on girls' education.

World News

Women in Ghana call for political party constitutional reforms

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Women in Ghana call for political party constitutional reforms


Women organisers of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the Convention People’s Party (CPP) are advocating reforms to their party constitutions to allow for more women to seek political office.

Such reforms, according to the women organisers, must also include the amendment of their constitutions to ensure that more women contested in their parties’ strongholds.

Women organisers of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the Convention People’s Party (CPP) are advocating reforms to their party constitutions to allow for more women to seek political office.

Such reforms, according to the women organisers, must also include the amendment of their constitutions to ensure that more women contested in their parties’ strongholds.