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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

World News

Emily Benn: What I can offer British politics

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Emily Benn: What I can offer British politics


Emily Benn, the 24 year-old granddaughter of the late Labour grandee Tony Benn, is poised to become the fifth generation of her family to sit in the Commons. In this article she explains why she's running.

Emily Benn, the 24 year-old granddaughter of the late Labour grandee Tony Benn, is poised to become the fifth generation of her family to sit in the Commons. In this article she explains why she's running.

World News

Would you vote for a female politician who spoke openly about masturbation?

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Would you vote for a female politician who spoke openly about masturbation?


Eight years ago, artist Trish Kelly made a short video about masturbation - a Rick Mercer-style monologue about sex when you’re single that she filmed for an online TV channel in Vancouver. It was frank and funny, the kind of commentary you’d see today from the 20-somethings Girls.

Eight years ago, artist Trish Kelly made a short video about masturbation - a Rick Mercer-style monologue about sex when you’re single that she filmed for an online TV channel in Vancouver. It was frank and funny, the kind of commentary you’d see today from the 20-somethings Girls.

World News

Women’s political presence slips to 48th in world (Australia)

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Women’s political presence slips to 48th in world (Australia)


AUSTRALIA has slipped to 48th on the rankings of the number of women in national parliaments but our political glass ceiling is no worse than gender barriers in Canada, Britain and the US.

The Queensland Legislative Assembly, where women hold the roles of Speaker and opposition leader, has the nation’s lowest female representation at 21.3 per cent, compared with a national average of 29 per cent of all Australian parliamentarians. Women make up a fifth of ministers in state and federal governments.

AUSTRALIA has slipped to 48th on the rankings of the number of women in national parliaments but our political glass ceiling is no worse than gender barriers in Canada, Britain and the US.

The Queensland Legislative Assembly, where women hold the roles of Speaker and opposition leader, has the nation’s lowest female representation at 21.3 per cent, compared with a national average of 29 per cent of all Australian parliamentarians. Women make up a fifth of ministers in state and federal governments.

World News

Lucy Powell-British Member of Parliament: We need to have even more women entering politics

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Lucy Powell-British Member of Parliament: We need to have even more women entering politics


Women in politics is high on the agenda this week after David Cameron's reshuffle which his own spin doctors rather unfortunately dubbed a ‘catwalk reshuffle’.

More women ministers is a welcome development but with just half as many women in his cabinet as Tony Blair did seven years ago, the PM still has some catching up to do.

Women in politics is high on the agenda this week after David Cameron's reshuffle which his own spin doctors rather unfortunately dubbed a ‘catwalk reshuffle’.

More women ministers is a welcome development but with just half as many women in his cabinet as Tony Blair did seven years ago, the PM still has some catching up to do.

World News

The Gender Gap Exists When It Comes to Who Donates to Political Campaigns

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The Gender Gap Exists When It Comes to Who Donates to Political Campaigns


The gender gap in American salaries is well documented, but it turns out this disparity in pay extends into the political realm as well. Women also donate much less to political campaigns than their male counterparts.

The gender gap in American salaries is well documented, but it turns out this disparity in pay extends into the political realm as well. Women also donate much less to political campaigns than their male counterparts.

World News

Bharatiya Janata Party committed to give 33 per cent reservation to women: Saroj Pandey (India)

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Bharatiya Janata Party committed to give 33 per cent reservation to women: Saroj Pandey (India)


Charging the former Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government of "betraying women by not giving reservation to them in decision-making bodies", BJP today said it was committed to political empowerment of the fairer sex by granting 33 per cent reservation to them.

Charging the former Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government of "betraying women by not giving reservation to them in decision-making bodies", BJP today said it was committed to political empowerment of the fairer sex by granting 33 per cent reservation to them.

World News

World News

Nine women to fight election, Bahrain

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Nine women to fight election, Bahrain


Nine Bahraini women have confirmed their candidacy for the upcoming parliament and municipal council elections.

However, they said they will reveal their election campaigns closer to the polls, which are expected to take place in November.

Six women will run for parliament including Shura Council Affairs director under the Minister of State for Parliament and Shura Council Affairs Dina Al Fayez, Golden Trust president Dr Lulwa Al Mutlaq and Daskalide director Huda Radhi.

Nine Bahraini women have confirmed their candidacy for the upcoming parliament and municipal council elections.

However, they said they will reveal their election campaigns closer to the polls, which are expected to take place in November.

Six women will run for parliament including Shura Council Affairs director under the Minister of State for Parliament and Shura Council Affairs Dina Al Fayez, Golden Trust president Dr Lulwa Al Mutlaq and Daskalide director Huda Radhi.

World News

Women in parliament: Britain has ‘real problem’ with lack of female MPs as report and cabinet reshuffle put gender in the spotlight

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Women in parliament: Britain has ‘real problem’ with lack of female MPs as report and cabinet reshuffle put gender in the spotlight


With the role of women in British politics again coming under the spotlight this week, MPs and former ministers have warned that there is a “real problem” with the issue of gender in Westminster.

David Cameron is expected to reveal a major Cabinet reshuffle tomorrow with younger women promoted to senior roles in place of aging men, but Labour says it is an effort that comes so late as to seem like a “last-minute worry about votes”.

With the role of women in British politics again coming under the spotlight this week, MPs and former ministers have warned that there is a “real problem” with the issue of gender in Westminster.

David Cameron is expected to reveal a major Cabinet reshuffle tomorrow with younger women promoted to senior roles in place of aging men, but Labour says it is an effort that comes so late as to seem like a “last-minute worry about votes”.