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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

World News

Grant more women platform for political discourse, Ghana

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Grant more women platform for political discourse, Ghana


The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection is calling on media organizations to empanel more women for political discussions. This is part of a campaign for increased women’s participation in governance.

The Director at the Ministry, Patience Opoku, is highly disappointed at the low representation of women in decision making even though they form more than 50 per cent of the Ghanaian population.

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection is calling on media organizations to empanel more women for political discussions. This is part of a campaign for increased women’s participation in governance.

The Director at the Ministry, Patience Opoku, is highly disappointed at the low representation of women in decision making even though they form more than 50 per cent of the Ghanaian population.

World News

As Election Nears in Afghanistan, Women’s Political Participation Is Critical

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As Election Nears in Afghanistan, Women’s Political Participation Is Critical


Last May, Afghanistan’s upper house of parliament quietly removed an electoral law that stipulated that a quarter of all provincial council seats should be allotted to women. When women politicians found out nearly a month later, they fought to have the bill recalled. In July, the lower house reinstated the law, but lowered the allotment to 20 percent.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

Last May, Afghanistan’s upper house of parliament quietly removed an electoral law that stipulated that a quarter of all provincial council seats should be allotted to women. When women politicians found out nearly a month later, they fought to have the bill recalled. In July, the lower house reinstated the law, but lowered the allotment to 20 percent.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

World News

Lib Dem all-women shortlist considered post-2015, United Kingdom

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Lib Dem all-women shortlist considered post-2015, United Kingdom


The Lib Dems could introduce positive discrimination to redress the party's gender and ethnic imbalance, one of its cabinet ministers has said.

Seven of the the Lib Dems' 57 MPs are women - numerically and proportionally the fewest of the three major Westminster parties. All of the party's MPs are white.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013

The Lib Dems could introduce positive discrimination to redress the party's gender and ethnic imbalance, one of its cabinet ministers has said.

Seven of the the Lib Dems' 57 MPs are women - numerically and proportionally the fewest of the three major Westminster parties. All of the party's MPs are white.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013

World News

OFA Launches Women's Initiative To Step Up Pressure On Congress, State Legislatures, USA

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OFA Launches Women's Initiative To Step Up Pressure On Congress, State Legislatures, USA


Progressive groups unveiled a major initiative on Wednesday to draw attention to challenges that women still face and to promote public policies to address gender disparities.

Organizing for Action, dedicated to promoting President Barack Obama's agenda, is launching a "Stand with Women" effort on Wednesday night with more than 100 events in homes around the country.

Progressive groups unveiled a major initiative on Wednesday to draw attention to challenges that women still face and to promote public policies to address gender disparities.

Organizing for Action, dedicated to promoting President Barack Obama's agenda, is launching a "Stand with Women" effort on Wednesday night with more than 100 events in homes around the country.

World News

Female Senate candidates press Democrats’ gender advantage, USA

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Female Senate candidates press Democrats’ gender advantage, USA


The emergence of three female Democrats as competitive Senate candidates has party activists optimistic the 2014 election cycle will end with a record number of women in the upper chamber.

West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant, who officially launched her Senate bid Tuesday, joins fellow Democrats Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky and Michelle Nunn in Georgia as high-profile recruits in states Democrats consider winnable next year.

The emergence of three female Democrats as competitive Senate candidates has party activists optimistic the 2014 election cycle will end with a record number of women in the upper chamber.

West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant, who officially launched her Senate bid Tuesday, joins fellow Democrats Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky and Michelle Nunn in Georgia as high-profile recruits in states Democrats consider winnable next year.

World News

Liberal Democrats and lack of women MPs in Westminster, United Kingdom

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Liberal Democrats and lack of women MPs in Westminster, United Kingdom


Former Education Minister Sarah Teather's decision to stand at the next general election highlighted a long-running problem for the Liberal Democrats.

The party only has seven women MPs, and five of those are in the party's 12 most vulnerable seats.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 17 2013

Former Education Minister Sarah Teather's decision to stand at the next general election highlighted a long-running problem for the Liberal Democrats.

The party only has seven women MPs, and five of those are in the party's 12 most vulnerable seats.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 17 2013

World News

Women reluctant to run for office, New Zealand

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Women reluctant to run for office, New Zealand


In the year that New Zealand marks 120 years since women won the vote, the number of women vying for local body seats is stagnating.

Nationally, only 30 per cent of candidates are women, a number that has been the same since 2004 after dropping from a high of 32 per cent in 2001.

That was despite the number of women standing steadily increasing from 22 per cent in 1989, and just 3 per cent - and none elected - when records began in 1959.

In the year that New Zealand marks 120 years since women won the vote, the number of women vying for local body seats is stagnating.

Nationally, only 30 per cent of candidates are women, a number that has been the same since 2004 after dropping from a high of 32 per cent in 2001.

That was despite the number of women standing steadily increasing from 22 per cent in 1989, and just 3 per cent - and none elected - when records began in 1959.

World News

It's a Rich Man's World - Where Are the Women in Zambia's Legislature?

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It's a Rich Man's World - Where Are the Women in Zambia's Legislature?


A poor record on female representation means Zambia lags behind other sub-Saharan African countries. Extravagant electoral campaigns may be to blame.

In September 2011, no one in Zambia could have missed that the country was in the midst of a heavily contested election. The country was awash with party paraphernalia that adorned street corners and supporters alike.

We invite you to read the full article published September 13, 2013

A poor record on female representation means Zambia lags behind other sub-Saharan African countries. Extravagant electoral campaigns may be to blame.

In September 2011, no one in Zambia could have missed that the country was in the midst of a heavily contested election. The country was awash with party paraphernalia that adorned street corners and supporters alike.

We invite you to read the full article published September 13, 2013

World News

Gender gap still wide in Russian politics

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Gender gap still wide in Russian politics


Russia is known for being a patriarchal country, but despite considerable barriers, some women leaders have managed to reach high levels in the political hierarchy.

Women make up only 13 percent of deputies in the Russian State Duma (61 seats out of 450, following the 2012 national elections), and at the federal level, their representation is even lower - at 6 percent.

Russia is known for being a patriarchal country, but despite considerable barriers, some women leaders have managed to reach high levels in the political hierarchy.

Women make up only 13 percent of deputies in the Russian State Duma (61 seats out of 450, following the 2012 national elections), and at the federal level, their representation is even lower - at 6 percent.