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Violence Against Women in Politics

As the prominence of women in politics increases, so does the incidence of violence against women in politics. This section highlights news, interviews, resources and events on violence against women in politics

Australia: Our new parliament will have record numbers of women – will this finally make it a safe place to work?

June 3, 2022

Australia: Our new parliament will have record numbers of women – will this finally make it a safe place to work?

The 2022 federal election was a win for women candidates, and a historic moment in Australia’s journey towards a parliament that truly endorses and promotes gender equali

The 2022 federal election was a win for women candidates, and a historic moment in Australia’s journey towards a parliament that truly endorses and promotes gender equali

Republic of Korea: A 26-year-old sex-crime fighter dives into South Korean politics

June 2, 2022

Republic of Korea: A 26-year-old sex-crime fighter dives into South Korean politics

Park Ji-hyun has emerged as a leader of South Korea’s opposition and a torchbearer for women fed up with the country’s longstanding gender divide.

Park Ji-hyun has emerged as a leader of South Korea’s opposition and a torchbearer for women fed up with the country’s longstanding gender divide.

Australia: Liberals forget that women vote and have paid the price

June 1, 2022

Australia: Liberals forget that women vote and have paid the price

Professional women make up the largest voter cohort in Australia and their role was vital in giving Scott Morrison the boot.

It appears the Coalition misjudged just how many women there are in Australia.

Professional women make up the largest voter cohort in Australia and their role was vital in giving Scott Morrison the boot.

It appears the Coalition misjudged just how many women there are in Australia.

Her rights at work: How will women be treated in the new Australian parliament?

May 30, 2022

Her rights at work: How will women be treated in the new Australian parliament?

A record number of women have been elected to the Australian Parliament. Anger about the Coalition Government's lack of action on gender equality has been one of the issues propelling the teal independents into parliament. 

A record number of women have been elected to the Australian Parliament. Anger about the Coalition Government's lack of action on gender equality has been one of the issues propelling the teal independents into parliament. 

World News

"Go home and cook": Maharashtra BJP leader's sexist jab at MP Supriya Sule

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"Go home and cook": Maharashtra BJP leader's sexist jab at MP Supriya Sule


The sexist comment was made as the two parties sparred over reservations for OBC (Other Backward Class) in Maharashtra.

New Delhi: Maharashtra BJP chief Chandrakant Patil, targeting Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Supriya Sule on Wednesday, made a hugely controversial comment that has triggered outrage. "If you don't understand politics, go home and cook," he told the MP during a protest.

The sexist comment was made as the two parties sparred over reservations for OBC (Other Backward Class) in Maharashtra.

New Delhi: Maharashtra BJP chief Chandrakant Patil, targeting Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Supriya Sule on Wednesday, made a hugely controversial comment that has triggered outrage. "If you don't understand politics, go home and cook," he told the MP during a protest.

Politics and peril for Asian women

May 19, 2022

Politics and peril for Asian women

The political landscape in Asia has been very dynamic lately, but it is a disappointment to me personally that events have not been kind to women.

The political landscape in Asia has been very dynamic lately, but it is a disappointment to me personally that events have not been kind to women.

Podcast series: Women in politics in PNG

May 18, 2022

Podcast series: Women in politics in PNG

In this special Women in Politics series for the Australia-PNG Network, the Lowy Institute's Jessica Collins sits down with prominent women from Papua New Guinea to discuss the deep-seated challenge of wom

In this special Women in Politics series for the Australia-PNG Network, the Lowy Institute's Jessica Collins sits down with prominent women from Papua New Guinea to discuss the deep-seated challenge of wom

How women have helped change the culture of politics in Quebec

May 17, 2022

How women have helped change the culture of politics in Quebec

As a high number of women leave the National Assembly, things are slow to change — but getting better.

As a high number of women leave the National Assembly, things are slow to change — but getting better.

World News

Australia: Young women are turning their backs on political careers at alarming rate, new research suggests

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Australia: Young women are turning their backs on political careers at alarming rate, new research suggests


Young women aren’t feeling any more optimistic about our parliamentary landscape, opportunities to build a career in politics or their safety, new research has found.

Young women aren’t feeling any more optimistic about our parliamentary landscape, opportunities to build a career in politics or their safety, new research has found.