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Violence Against Women in Politics

As the prominence of women in politics increases, so does the incidence of violence against women in politics. This section highlights news, interviews, resources and events on violence against women in politics

World News

Albanian women in politics still suffering violence, study finds

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Albanian women in politics still suffering violence, study finds


A study conducted by the UNDP and Albanian partners, published on Wednesday, shows that women in Albanian politics still face routine discrimination, abuse and offensive language.

The findings of a study on “Violence against women in politics”, conducted by UNDP in cooperation with Albania’s Ombudsman and Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, were published on Wednesday at a roundtable held in the Albanian parliament.

A study conducted by the UNDP and Albanian partners, published on Wednesday, shows that women in Albanian politics still face routine discrimination, abuse and offensive language.

The findings of a study on “Violence against women in politics”, conducted by UNDP in cooperation with Albania’s Ombudsman and Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, were published on Wednesday at a roundtable held in the Albanian parliament.

Canada: Women in politics study

April 11, 2022

Canada: Women in politics study

This document presents the result of a series of surveys conducted by Abacus Data in January 2022, about women in politics and the future of women in politics.

This document presents the result of a series of surveys conducted by Abacus Data in January 2022, about women in politics and the future of women in politics.

World News

Here be trolls: New Zealand’s female politicians battle rising tide of misogyny

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Here be trolls: New Zealand’s female politicians battle rising tide of misogyny


Led by Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand women are entering uncharted territory in politics – and encountering increasing levels of abuse

In January 2020, a New Zealand man sent two emails to prime minister Jacinda Ardern: one threatening to “personally wipe [her] off this fucking planet” and another saying he would blow her head off. It was the violent culmination of 88 lengthy emails sent over a four month period to government officials in which he referred to them as criminals and terrorists.

Led by Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand women are entering uncharted territory in politics – and encountering increasing levels of abuse

In January 2020, a New Zealand man sent two emails to prime minister Jacinda Ardern: one threatening to “personally wipe [her] off this fucking planet” and another saying he would blow her head off. It was the violent culmination of 88 lengthy emails sent over a four month period to government officials in which he referred to them as criminals and terrorists.

Zimbabwe: Women politicians urged to use media effectively during elections

April 7, 2022

Zimbabwe: Women politicians urged to use media effectively during elections

Women politicians were challenged to use media effectively as they pursue political life fighting gender bias and stereotypes ahead of well publicised weekend by elections whose results have now been made public. Gender Media Connect (GMC) an organisation run by

Women politicians were challenged to use media effectively as they pursue political life fighting gender bias and stereotypes ahead of well publicised weekend by elections whose results have now been made public. Gender Media Connect (GMC) an organisation run by

World News

Glasgow politician "followed" to car by councillor who "wanted to touch and hug" had to call police

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Glasgow politician "followed" to car by councillor who "wanted to touch and hug" had to call police


Councillor Rhiannon Spear shared her experience as women from across the political parties called for an end to the 'toxic' atmosphere in politics, which causes many female councillors to step down.

A Glasgow politician who was "followed" to her car by a married councillor who consistently "wanted to touch and hug her" ended up having to call the police.

Councillor Rhiannon Spear shared her experience as women from across the political parties called for an end to the 'toxic' atmosphere in politics, which causes many female councillors to step down.

A Glasgow politician who was "followed" to her car by a married councillor who consistently "wanted to touch and hug her" ended up having to call the police.

"This is misogyny": The growing abuse facing women in Montenegrin politics

April 6, 2022

"This is misogyny": The growing abuse facing women in Montenegrin politics

On both sides of Montenegro’s ideological divide, women politicians face sexism, abuse, and discrimination on a daily basis. And experts say it’s only getting worse.

On both sides of Montenegro’s ideological divide, women politicians face sexism, abuse, and discrimination on a daily basis. And experts say it’s only getting worse.

From "pretty communist" to '"Jabcinda": What’s behind the vitriol directed at Jacinda Ardern?

April 5, 2022

From "pretty communist" to '"Jabcinda": What’s behind the vitriol directed at Jacinda Ardern?

With recent polling showing National edging ahead of Labour for the first time in two years, Jacinda Ardern’s previously strong support has

With recent polling showing National edging ahead of Labour for the first time in two years, Jacinda Ardern’s previously strong support has

World News

Misogyny in New Zealand’s politics: "We still have work to do", Ardern

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Misogyny in New Zealand’s politics: "We still have work to do", Ardern


There is still work to do across the political divide to address misogyny in politics, the prime minister says.

Although Jacinda Ardern acknowledged misogyny is not new, she said it had been "amplified" by social media.

There is still work to do across the political divide to address misogyny in politics, the prime minister says.

Although Jacinda Ardern acknowledged misogyny is not new, she said it had been "amplified" by social media.

World News

New Zealand: "Relentless" abuse against women MPs on the rise

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New Zealand: "Relentless" abuse against women MPs on the rise


A rising tide of “deeply sexist” abuse and threats against women MPs is part of a concerted effort to push them out of public office, an expert says.

A rising tide of “deeply sexist” abuse and threats against women MPs is part of a concerted effort to push them out of public office, an expert says.