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Women in the Media

The media are potentially powerful channels of information in a society. The messages they transmit can change or reinforce social mores and behaviours, and mobilize citizens to take progressive actions. While, ideally, the media should strive for accuracy and impartiality, in reality there are often imbalances in coverage, including in terms of women and their perspectives. Women politicians, for example, may be under-represented in news before and after elections. 

World News

Kicking sexism out of politics, Malaysia

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Kicking sexism out of politics, Malaysia


The moment there was an inkling that Dyana Sofya would be DAP’s candidate for the Teluk Intan Parliamentary seat, a picture purportedly of her (it wasn’t) in a bikini was circulated on the internet. She has since been subjected to wolf whistles by her own supposed supporters, and called cheap candy by extremist group Isma.

The moment there was an inkling that Dyana Sofya would be DAP’s candidate for the Teluk Intan Parliamentary seat, a picture purportedly of her (it wasn’t) in a bikini was circulated on the internet. She has since been subjected to wolf whistles by her own supposed supporters, and called cheap candy by extremist group Isma.

World News

Lose an Election? If You're Female, It May Have Been Because Of Your Eyebrows

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Lose an Election? If You're Female, It May Have Been Because Of Your Eyebrows


Big brows may be trendy, but the American public’s sense of propriety gets inflamed if they’re on a female elected official’s face. According to a recent study from Dartmouth University, and published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, female candidates are less likely to win elections in conservative states if their faces have mannish, or gender atypical, features. That includes thick eyebrows, ladies.

Big brows may be trendy, but the American public’s sense of propriety gets inflamed if they’re on a female elected official’s face. According to a recent study from Dartmouth University, and published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, female candidates are less likely to win elections in conservative states if their faces have mannish, or gender atypical, features. That includes thick eyebrows, ladies.


The Good Malaysian Woman: Ethnicity, Religion, Politics Exhibition


The Good Malaysian Woman: Ethnicity, Religion, Politics Exhibition

THE exhibition, 'The Good Malaysian Woman: Ethnicity, Religion, Politics', is being organised by the All Women's Action Society (AWAM) and Interpr8 Art Space.

Unseeing Eyes: Media Coverage and Gender in Latin American Elections

May 7, 2014

Unseeing Eyes: Media Coverage and Gender in Latin American Elections

In a society where mass media is the main venue for political information and electoral competition, limited visibility during a campaign can be challenging to a candidate and limit the possibilities of being elected.

In a society where mass media is the main venue for political information and electoral competition, limited visibility during a campaign can be challenging to a candidate and limit the possibilities of being elected.

Gender-Sensitive Media: A Voluntary Code of Ethics

May 6, 2014

Gender-Sensitive Media: A Voluntary Code of Ethics

The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to help individual journalists, media persons, management and owners of media houses to promote gender justice in their organizational policies as well as in their professions to become better at their work, by accepting and applying an estab
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to help individual journalists, media persons, management and owners of media houses to promote gender justice in their organizational policies as well as in their professions to become better at their work, by accepting and applying an estab

World News

Women parliamentarians, public image, and the media in Algeria — fostering respectful connections

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Women parliamentarians, public image, and the media in Algeria — fostering respectful connections


The National Democratic Institute (NDI) has been working to strengthen political parties, civil society, media and other key democratic institutions in Algeria since 1997.

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) has been working to strengthen political parties, civil society, media and other key democratic institutions in Algeria since 1997.

World News

Radio shows raise profile of women aspirants in Kenya

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Radio shows raise profile of women aspirants in Kenya


In Kenya’s male-dominated political landscape, women face many barriers to political participation, especially when seeking elective office. Aspiring women politicians often struggle with discrimination and lack of coverage by top media outlets, which makes it difficult for them to gain public exposure and support.

In Kenya’s male-dominated political landscape, women face many barriers to political participation, especially when seeking elective office. Aspiring women politicians often struggle with discrimination and lack of coverage by top media outlets, which makes it difficult for them to gain public exposure and support.

Want a Female Candidate to Lose An Election? Talk About Her Appearance

April 19, 2013

Want a Female Candidate to Lose An Election? Talk About Her Appearance

A study by the Women's Media Center (WMC) suggests that any and all descriptions of a woman candida

A study by the Women's Media Center (WMC) suggests that any and all descriptions of a woman candida

How the 'System of Beauty' Hurts Female Politicians

April 9, 2013

How the 'System of Beauty' Hurts Female Politicians

Talking about their looks makes women running for office seem less competent, less effective, and less qualified -- even when it's just praise and compliments.
Talking about their looks makes women running for office seem less competent, less effective, and less qualified -- even when it's just praise and compliments.