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Women, Peace and Security

Established international norms and standards promote the protection of women during armed conflict and their participation in peace and security decision-making. The UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (UNSCR 1325) is one of the critical tools for moving the gender equality agenda forward in conflict and postconflict situations.

World News

You Can Thank the Feminist Movement for Being a Historic Pillar of America's Peace Movement

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You Can Thank the Feminist Movement for Being a Historic Pillar of America's Peace Movement


My grandmother, Lola Maverick Lloyd, was among 47 American feminists who sailed to the Netherlands in April of 1915 in hopes of stopping World War One.  She and her peers were answering the call of a Dutch physician, Aletta Jacobs, who pleaded with them to come join women from both sides of the conflict for a conference at the Hague. In total, 1,300 women from twelve countries answered Jacobs’ call, and during a four day conference they collectively raised their voices against the unbelievable carnage taking place at that moment 104 miles away in Ypres, Belgium.

My grandmother, Lola Maverick Lloyd, was among 47 American feminists who sailed to the Netherlands in April of 1915 in hopes of stopping World War One.  She and her peers were answering the call of a Dutch physician, Aletta Jacobs, who pleaded with them to come join women from both sides of the conflict for a conference at the Hague. In total, 1,300 women from twelve countries answered Jacobs’ call, and during a four day conference they collectively raised their voices against the unbelievable carnage taking place at that moment 104 miles away in Ypres, Belgium.

Happy March 8th (S vas’-MIM MAR-ta) to Russia

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By Jillian Smith,  “S vas’-MIM MAR-ta!” (Happy March 8th!) will be an oft-repeated phrase in Russia this Sunday as the country – and the rest of the world – celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD).  Russian men will treat special ladies in their lives with gifts, flowers, wine, and dinner – a day not unlike Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day here in the West (Insiders Guide, 2015).  In fact, Monday will be a public holiday in Russia to obser

World News

Meet the Kurdish female politician fighting the Islamic State

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Meet the Kurdish female politician fighting the Islamic State


Kurdish politician Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman tells Sofia Barbarani how her family were murdered in a terrorist attack and why she's battling Isil.

To read the article published on 20th February 2015, please click here.

Kurdish politician Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman tells Sofia Barbarani how her family were murdered in a terrorist attack and why she's battling Isil.

To read the article published on 20th February 2015, please click here.

World News

Women, Peace and Security: Seeking Synergy with the Reviews on Peace Operations and Peacebuilding

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Women, Peace and Security: Seeking Synergy with the Reviews on Peace Operations and Peacebuilding


Speech by Deputy Executive Director of UN Women, Lakshmi Puri at a panel organized by the Netherlands on “Women Peace and Security: Seeking Synergy with the Reviews on Peace Operations and Peacebuilding,” 20 January 2015, New York.


Speech by Deputy Executive Director of UN Women, Lakshmi Puri at a panel organized by the Netherlands on “Women Peace and Security: Seeking Synergy with the Reviews on Peace Operations and Peacebuilding,” 20 January 2015, New York.


List of National Action Plans for the implementation of UNSCR 1325

February 13, 2014

List of National Action Plans for the implementation of UNSCR 1325

To date, there are 58 countries that have adopted a National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Sec

To date, there are 58 countries that have adopted a National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Sec


Women’s participation in politics in (post) conflict countries: Role of women in peace negotiations

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Women’s participation in politics in (post) conflict countries: Role of women in peace negotiations

“Wherever there is conflict, women must be part of the solution” – Michelle Bachelet

“Wherever there is conflict, women must be part of the solution” – Michelle Bachelet