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Women's Leadership

Setbacks in women’s representation, Iceland’s strike and Nobel Peace Prize: all you need to know about women in politics from October

October 30, 2023

Setbacks in women’s representation, Iceland’s strike and Nobel Peace Prize: all you need to know about women in politics from October

World News

South-East Asian MPs map out steps to strengthen women’s leadership and participation in policy decision-making

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South-East Asian MPs map out steps to strengthen women’s leadership and participation in policy decision-making


The ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) has recommended a series of steps for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its 10 Member States to strengthen the representation and impact of women in policy decision-making.

The Women Parliamentarians of AIPA drafted a Plan of Action on Promoting Women’s Political Participation for further consultation that included:

The ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) has recommended a series of steps for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its 10 Member States to strengthen the representation and impact of women in policy decision-making.

The Women Parliamentarians of AIPA drafted a Plan of Action on Promoting Women’s Political Participation for further consultation that included:

World News

Tulia Ackson elected new President of the IPU

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Tulia Ackson elected new President of the IPU


Tulia Ackson of the United Republic of Tanzania has been elected as the 31st President of the IPU by the IPU’s Governing Council, its main decision-making body made up of parliamentarians from around the world.

She takes over from Mr. Duarte Pacheco, a parliamentarian from Portugal, who concluded his three-year mandate at the end of the 147th IPU Assembly in Luanda, Angola.

Tulia Ackson of the United Republic of Tanzania has been elected as the 31st President of the IPU by the IPU’s Governing Council, its main decision-making body made up of parliamentarians from around the world.

She takes over from Mr. Duarte Pacheco, a parliamentarian from Portugal, who concluded his three-year mandate at the end of the 147th IPU Assembly in Luanda, Angola.

World News

Elect Her: Inspiring women in politics

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Elect Her: Inspiring women in politics


In a continued partnership with Running Start, App State hosted the Elect Her Workshop Friday in the Summit Trail Solarium.

In a continued partnership with Running Start, App State hosted the Elect Her Workshop Friday in the Summit Trail Solarium.

World News

Record number of female MPs in Poland’s parliament after elections

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Record number of female MPs in Poland’s parliament after elections


A record 136 women were elected to sit in the Sejm – Poland’s more powerful lower house of parliament – at Sunday’s elections. That means 29.6% of the chamber’s 460 members will now be female, above the global average of 24.3% but below the EU-wide figure of 32.7%.

A record 136 women were elected to sit in the Sejm – Poland’s more powerful lower house of parliament – at Sunday’s elections. That means 29.6% of the chamber’s 460 members will now be female, above the global average of 24.3% but below the EU-wide figure of 32.7%.

World News

Mexico: female-led presidential race cements decades of action

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Mexico: female-led presidential race cements decades of action


Nearly 40 years ago, two young women were studying traditionally male-dominated science subjects at Mexico’s public National Autonomous University.

Nearly 40 years ago, two young women were studying traditionally male-dominated science subjects at Mexico’s public National Autonomous University.

Unveiling the ongoing debate surrounding women in politics

October 17, 2023

Unveiling the ongoing debate surrounding women in politics

When discussing women’s involvement in the workforce, development projects, and policy-making, a common adage is often repeated: “The bottle is new, but the water remains

When discussing women’s involvement in the workforce, development projects, and policy-making, a common adage is often repeated: “The bottle is new, but the water remains

World News

Mrs. Sylvanie Burton pledges to be a president for all Dominicans

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Mrs. Sylvanie Burton pledges to be a president for all Dominicans






