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Women's Leadership

Why women's peace activism in World War I matters now

November 7, 2023

Why women's peace activism in World War I matters now

In 1917, soon after winning reelection on the campaign slogan “He kept us out of war,” President Woodrow Wilson called on the U.S.

In 1917, soon after winning reelection on the campaign slogan “He kept us out of war,” President Woodrow Wilson called on the U.S.

The State of Women: 2023 Multiplier Report and Roadmap

November 7, 2023

The State of Women: 2023 Multiplier Report and Roadmap

Today, we announced the release of our new report, The State of Women: 2023 Multiplier Report and Roadmap, a comprehensive report drawing on insight

Today, we announced the release of our new report, The State of Women: 2023 Multiplier Report and Roadmap, a comprehensive report drawing on insight

World News

Zimbabwe’s election widens gender gap in politics

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Zimbabwe’s election widens gender gap in politics


Zimbabwe’s recent election has exposed weak gender policies both at the political party and governmental levels as women were sidelined despite the fact that they make up more than half of the 6.5 million electorate.

Zimbabwe’s recent election has exposed weak gender policies both at the political party and governmental levels as women were sidelined despite the fact that they make up more than half of the 6.5 million electorate.

Lack of ‘female perspective’ in No.10 led to women’s deaths during Covid, says former top UK civil servant

November 3, 2023

Lack of ‘female perspective’ in No.10 led to women’s deaths during Covid, says former top UK civil servant

A lack of gender diversity among decisionmakers in the UK prime minister’s office meant that women were not adequately considered in pandemic-related policymaking, likely leading to preventable d

A lack of gender diversity among decisionmakers in the UK prime minister’s office meant that women were not adequately considered in pandemic-related policymaking, likely leading to preventable d

World News

Online vitriol could undo decades of political progress, warns Dutch deputy PM

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Online vitriol could undo decades of political progress, warns Dutch deputy PM


Six years after Sigrid Kaag was catapulted into the highest ranks of Dutch politics, police keep a constant watch over her home. Cameras sweep across the back of the property while every piece of mail sent to her is screened before she can open it.

Six years after Sigrid Kaag was catapulted into the highest ranks of Dutch politics, police keep a constant watch over her home. Cameras sweep across the back of the property while every piece of mail sent to her is screened before she can open it.

World News

What Natasha Akpoti’s win means for women in politics

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What Natasha Akpoti’s win means for women in politics


Development Diaries reports that by virtue of the ruling of the Court of Appeal in Abuja, Akpoti-Uduaghan is the first woman in the history of the north-central state to be elected senator.

Development Diaries reports that by virtue of the ruling of the Court of Appeal in Abuja, Akpoti-Uduaghan is the first woman in the history of the north-central state to be elected senator.

World News

Women leaders from the Arab region call for women’s participation in peacemaking through ESCWA

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Women leaders from the Arab region call for women’s participation in peacemaking through ESCWA


At a time when women around the world are lauded for their ever-growing achievements as peacemakers, the Arab region is marred by armed conflicts causing an increasing number of victims, particularly among women and children.

At a time when women around the world are lauded for their ever-growing achievements as peacemakers, the Arab region is marred by armed conflicts causing an increasing number of victims, particularly among women and children.

On writing Women in politics, breaking down the barriers to achieve true representation

October 30, 2023

On writing Women in politics, breaking down the barriers to achieve true representation

We’ve come a long way since the early 1970s when just a handful of women held political leadership positions.

We’ve come a long way since the early 1970s when just a handful of women held political leadership positions.

Beyond the numbers on women’s representation: recognition of women’s leadership in global governance

October 30, 2023

Beyond the numbers on women’s representation: recognition of women’s leadership in global governance

To what extent has the glass ceiling in global governance been shattered?

To what extent has the glass ceiling in global governance been shattered?