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Women's Leadership

Kenyan women lead peace efforts in longstanding conflicts

October 27, 2022

Kenyan women lead peace efforts in longstanding conflicts

Across Kenya, local conflicts driven by diverse factors have one thing in common: they’re increasingly being mediated by women.

Across Kenya, local conflicts driven by diverse factors have one thing in common: they’re increasingly being mediated by women.

World News

New Zealand’s Parliament becomes majority female — "about blimmin’ time"

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New Zealand’s Parliament becomes majority female — "about blimmin’ time"


New Zealand made history — or herstory — this week as female lawmakers became the majority, narrowly outnumbering their male counterparts in Parliament for the first time.

On Tuesday, Soraya Peke-Mason was sworn in as a lawmaker for the Labour Party, tipping the country’s legislative body to 60 women and 59 men.

New Zealand made history — or herstory — this week as female lawmakers became the majority, narrowly outnumbering their male counterparts in Parliament for the first time.

On Tuesday, Soraya Peke-Mason was sworn in as a lawmaker for the Labour Party, tipping the country’s legislative body to 60 women and 59 men.


US midterm elections: Why Bolivia's lawmakers are 50% women

October 26, 2022

US midterm elections: Why Bolivia's lawmakers are 50% women

Despite historic gains in the past two congressional elections in the US, women hold just 27% of the seats. As Americans prepare to reshape Congress in the midterms, could Bolivia inspire change?

Despite historic gains in the past two congressional elections in the US, women hold just 27% of the seats. As Americans prepare to reshape Congress in the midterms, could Bolivia inspire change?

India: Women in government fellowship

October 24, 2022

India: Women in government fellowship

The Women in Government Fellowship is a six-month program that is focused on capacity-building, training, and mentorship of women in politics. It seeks to enhance and improve the quality of political participation of women.

The Women in Government Fellowship is a six-month program that is focused on capacity-building, training, and mentorship of women in politics. It seeks to enhance and improve the quality of political participation of women.

World News

It's a man's world: No more female leaders in China's Communist Party

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It's a man's world: No more female leaders in China's Communist Party


BEIJING – The Communist Party congress has laid bare the striking gender imbalance in the upper echelons of Chinese politics, with not a single woman making the 24-person Politburo for the first time in at least a quarter of a century.

As Xi Jinping and his allies concentrated power over the weekend, the party’s highest-ranking woman leader retired.

BEIJING – The Communist Party congress has laid bare the striking gender imbalance in the upper echelons of Chinese politics, with not a single woman making the 24-person Politburo for the first time in at least a quarter of a century.

As Xi Jinping and his allies concentrated power over the weekend, the party’s highest-ranking woman leader retired.

World News

Gender-sensitive parliaments can help end conflicts – IPU president

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Gender-sensitive parliaments can help end conflicts – IPU president


More women parliamentarians can play a major role in addressing global security conflicts, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) president, Duarte Pacheco, has said.

Speaking Monday October 11, at a press conference on the side-lines of the ongoing IPU’s 145th assembly taking place in Kigali, Pacheco said gender-equal parliaments have the power to influence decisions that can prevent wars.

More women parliamentarians can play a major role in addressing global security conflicts, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) president, Duarte Pacheco, has said.

Speaking Monday October 11, at a press conference on the side-lines of the ongoing IPU’s 145th assembly taking place in Kigali, Pacheco said gender-equal parliaments have the power to influence decisions that can prevent wars.

Women’s political participation, East and Southern Africa regional office

October 21, 2022

Women’s political participation, East and Southern Africa regional office

UN Women’s East and Southern Africa programming on Governance, Leadership and Political Participation is focused on providing technical support and capacity building to Member States, civil society and regional organizations, to enable women to fully a

UN Women’s East and Southern Africa programming on Governance, Leadership and Political Participation is focused on providing technical support and capacity building to Member States, civil society and regional organizations, to enable women to fully a