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Song on Gender Equality: In My Hand - بئيدي
Song on Gender Equality: In My Hand - بئيدي
The Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World (IWSAW) at the Lebanese American University focuses on advancing women’s empowerment and gender equality. As part of its efforts to engage youth as champions for gender equality, IWSAW released an animated song – “In My Hand”, Bi Ideh in Arabic,…
Women in elected politics: variations, barriers, and effects
Women in elected politics: variations, barriers, and effects
Getting more women into political decision-making positions has been on the international agenda for decades. In the Nordic countries women now hold about 41% of the positions in parliament, but the world average is still less than 23%, and in many countries numbers are much lower. What explains…
Young people in growing numbers from from around the world have a superpower. They have the power to engage and to vote, and NDI is encouraging them to use it. As we celebrate International Day of Democracy, it is important to remember that participation is crucial to a resilient democracy. Each…
No Freedom to Travel. End Male Guardianship in Saudi Arabia
No Freedom to Travel. End Male Guardianship in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia’s male guardianship system remains the most significant impediment to women’s rights in the country despite limited reforms over the last decade. Adult women must obtain permission from a male guardian to travel abroad, marry, or be released from prison, and may be required to provide…
OAS and ParlAmericas Agree to Strengthen Legislative Transparency and Policies of Gender Equality
OAS and ParlAmericas Agree to Strengthen Legislative Transparency and Policies of Gender Equality
OAS and ParlAmericas Agree to Strengthen Legislative Transparency and Policies of Gender Equality
Women in Politics: Representation and Reality
Women in Politics: Representation and Reality
Women are chronically underrepresented in U.S. politics. Yet TV shows, fictions, and films have leapt ahead of the electoral curve to give us our first female president(s). What messages about women and power do these fictional representations of female politicians send? What connections (if any)…
What the women say: Tunisia
What the women say: Tunisia
This interview was published in 2013. At the time of the interview, Omezzine Khalife was a member of Ettakatol Party and ran for the Constituent Assembly in Tunisia. She was a member of the Ettakatol’s Women’s Organization. Omezzine speaks here to ICAN about her experiences as a young woman…
Training women journalists in Syria
Training women journalists in Syria
Returning to Syria after working for the BBC in London, Zaina Erhaim found that all of the citizen journalists reporting on the civil war were men. When she decided to run training sessions for women who wanted to be journalists, she quickly realised the obstacles they faced were enormous. Click…
First Lady Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey Hold a Conversation on the Next Generation of Women
First Lady Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey Hold a Conversation on the Next Generation of Women
A lot has been done by and for women and girls, but there is still plenty to do. Convened by the White House, the United of State Summit celebrated what has been achieved and discussed how to take action moving forward. Watch First Lady Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey talk about the next…