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TV Show "Madam President"
TV Show "Madam President"
The Middle East has never tried giving a woman the position of president. The new television show “Madam President” imagined this scenario and put it on screen. Produced by Search for Common Ground, this series follows the fictional story of parliamentarian Noura Sa’ad, after she involuntarily…
Summary Video of the WIP Mexico Summit 2015
Summary Video of the WIP Mexico Summit 2015
The Women in Parliaments (WIP) and the Mexican Senate co-hosted the Mexico Summit on 7-9 October 2015.  Marking the 40th anniversary of the First World Conference on Women, a conference in 1975 that defined a World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the…
The Economist interviews a Saudi female councillor
The Economist interviews a Saudi female councillor
The Economist's editor-in-chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, speaks to Huda Al-Jeraisy, one of Saudi Arabia's newly elected female councillors, about her political goals and the position of women in Saudi life. For more information on the recent election in Saudi Arabia, the first in which women were…
"Our Women in Politics and Society"
"Our Women in Politics and Society"
The preview of the League of Tunisian Women Voters latest documentary, directed by Tunisian actress Anissa Daoud, on the achievements and struggles of Tunisian women to bring real change to their society through political participation. For more on this documentary and its launching ceremony,…
Irreversible - Women’s full participation in Constitution-Making processes
Irreversible - Women’s full participation in Constitution-Making processes
On the International Human Rights Day, the short video “Irreversible - Women’s full participation in Constitution-Making processes: Testimonies from the frontlines,” which the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the international peacebuilding organization Interpeace produced, was…
iKNOW Politics Interview of Rafik Halouani
iKNOW Politics Interview of Rafik Halouani
Rafik Halouani is Mourakiboun's General Coordinator. Mourakiboun is a leading Tunisian NGO that specializes in the observation and monitoring of elections in Tunisia. Mr. Halouani is one of the four winners of the National Democratic Institute's (NDI) Democracy Awards for 2015:…
iKNOW Politics Interview with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
iKNOW Politics Interview with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
iKNOW Politics ha entrevistado al ex Presidente del Gobierno de España, J.L. Rodríguez Zapatero. // iKNOW Politics has interviewed the former President of the Spanish Government, J.L. Rodríguez Zapatero.
Women, Peace and Security in Iraq
Women, Peace and Security in Iraq
In 2014, the Iraqi National Action Plan (INAP) was launched as an effort to implement the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 in Iraq. This video, produced by the 1325 Dutch NAP Partnership, shows that no budget was allocated to the INAP and that there is limited awareness on the INAP…
iKNOW Politics Interview with Tone Skogen
iKNOW Politics Interview with Tone Skogen
We have interviewed Ms Tone Skogen, Norway's State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She talks about the role of women in the successful implementation of SC resolution 1325, the lessons learned from Norway and the important role of education for women's empowerment.