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iKNOW Politics 10th Anniversary
iKNOW Politics 10th Anniversary
Established in 2007, iKNOW Politics is a joint project of International IDEA, the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).  The platform seeks to facilitate women…
International Women's Day 2017 Theme: “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”
International Women's Day 2017 Theme: “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”
International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities. The idea of this theme is to consider how to accelerate…
Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Motherhood in the Americas
Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Motherhood in the Americas
Child, early and forced marriage is not well understood in the Americas region, although UNICEF estimates that 29% of girls in Latin America and the Caribbean, or almost 1 in 3 girls, are married before the age of 18. Some countries surpass that figure at the national level (the Dominican Republic…
First Human Rights Forum Focuses on Role of Youth in Public Decision-Making
First Human Rights Forum Focuses on Role of Youth in Public Decision-Making
Hundreds of youth activists, representatives from youth organizations, UN and government officials gathered at the United Nations Office in Geneva on November 21-22 to attend the first-ever Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law. The Forum, established by Human Rights Council…
Someday: the long fight for a female American president
Someday: the long fight for a female American president
In 1788, Thomas Jefferson wrote that American women shouldn’t "wrinkle their foreheads with politics." A century and a half later, when Hillary Clinton was born, that attitude still prevailed. That year, 1947, the US had zero female senators, zero female governors. The Supreme Court, and…
NDI's “Votes Without Violence” initiative
NDI's “Votes Without Violence” initiative
Electoral violence subverts basic standards for democratic elections, which are a cornerstone of democratic governance. The effects, or even merely the threat, of violence can undermine the legitimacy of electoral results and broader political processes. Violence against women in elections is a…
Jordan: Enhancing Women’s Participation in Elections
Jordan: Enhancing Women’s Participation in Elections
As part of its ongoing effort to empower Jordanian women to more effectively engage in the political process, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) launched a program on “Enhancing Women’s Participation in Elections.” The program targeted women leaders from all 12 governorates and the Bedouin…
Documentary: Ladies First, Saudi Arabia’s Female Candidates
Documentary: Ladies First, Saudi Arabia’s Female Candidates
The New York Times’ Mona El-Naggar takes us inside the kingdom and introduces us to three proud and dynamic women, each determined to test the bounds of her society in different ways. The setting is a city council election in Riyadh, where in 2015 Saudi women were allowed to vote and run…
Championing Change for Women's Economic Empowerment
Championing Change for Women's Economic Empowerment
Empower Women Champions sharing their experience on what does it mean to be a Champion for Women's Economic Empowerment.