Wear Red for Women - A campaign to eradicate violence against women
This event will consist of a video presentation on violence against women and brief interventions from the OAS Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza and some OAS Permanent Mission Representatives and Permanent Observers.
Remarks by the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza
Remarks by the Chair of the OAS Permanent Council, Ambassador Jacinth Lorna Henry Martin, Permanent Representative of Saint Kitts and Nevis to the OAS
Remarks by Ambassador Emilio Rabasa Gamboa, Permanent Representative of México to the OAS
Remarks by Ambassador Nilda Celia Garré, Permanent Representative of Argentina to the OAS
Remarks by Ambassador José María Argueta, Permanent Representative of Guatemala to the OAS
Remarks by Ambassador Jean-Claude Nolla, Permanent Observer of France to the OAS
Remarks by Ambassador Sebastiano Fulci, Permanent Observer of Italy to the OAS
Closing Remarks by Carmen Moreno, Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) OAS
Men and women are welcome to join us. Participants are required to wear any red item andregister to attend the gathering on May 2nd.
Share your pictures on Twitter (@cimoas / #BelémdoPará+20) or
Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/ComisionInteramericanaDeMujeres).
For more information, click here
To register https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wear-red-for-women-vistete-de-rojo-por-las-mujeres-tickets-11191099881
Snacks and coffee will be served.