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Middle East: Middle Eastern Women Gain Political Inspiration in Wisconsin

World News

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Middle East: Middle Eastern Women Gain Political Inspiration in Wisconsin


The Young Women Leaders Academy (YWLA), a year-long program that aims to inspire and empower young Middle Eastern women to pursue political careers in their home countries, culminated in a two-week retreat in Madison, Wisconsin, last month, where participants met with elected women leaders from across the state and honed their leadership skills and political aspirations.The participants are now back in their home countries, where they are pursuing a range of options, from starting their own advocacy organizations to running for elective office.
For more information, please visit The National Democratic Institute.

The Young Women Leaders Academy (YWLA), a year-long program that aims to inspire and empower young Middle Eastern women to pursue political careers in their home countries, culminated in a two-week retreat in Madison, Wisconsin, last month, where participants met with elected women leaders from across the state and honed their leadership skills and political aspirations.The participants are now back in their home countries, where they are pursuing a range of options, from starting their own advocacy organizations to running for elective office.
For more information, please visit The National Democratic Institute.