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NDI: Monitoring Groups Agree to Work Together to Advance Parliamentary Transparency

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NDI: Monitoring Groups Agree to Work Together to Advance Parliamentary Transparency


U.S. Under Secretary of State Maria Otero delivers the keynote address at the conference.

2 May 2012 - For the first time, a broad and diverse gathering of civil society representatives from 37 countries convened in Washington this week and established a shared commitment to advocate for strong, open parliaments that embody citizens' voices.

The conference, which ran from April 30 to May 2, provided an opportunity for parliamentary monitoring organizations (PMOs) from all regions of the world to share their experiences and good practices on a host of topics, from monitoring political finance to advocating for greater transparency of parliamentary information. The conference was co-hosted by the Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency, the Sunlight Foundation and NDI. 

For the full story, see NDI.

U.S. Under Secretary of State Maria Otero delivers the keynote address at the conference.

2 May 2012 - For the first time, a broad and diverse gathering of civil society representatives from 37 countries convened in Washington this week and established a shared commitment to advocate for strong, open parliaments that embody citizens' voices.

The conference, which ran from April 30 to May 2, provided an opportunity for parliamentary monitoring organizations (PMOs) from all regions of the world to share their experiences and good practices on a host of topics, from monitoring political finance to advocating for greater transparency of parliamentary information. The conference was co-hosted by the Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency, the Sunlight Foundation and NDI. 

For the full story, see NDI.