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UNDP: Beijing + 15 Highlights of the Day - 4th March 2010

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UNDP: Beijing + 15 Highlights of the Day - 4th March 2010


Regional perspectives in progress achieved and remaining gaps and challenges in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action On Thursday, representatives of the UN’s five regional commissions presented regional perspectives in progress achieved and remaining gaps and challenges in the implementation of the Beijing Platform.
They each reported that much progress has been made in a number of areas including girls’ education and women’s political participation. Nevertheless, the representative of Asia and the Pacific noted that maternal death is still extremely high in the region. The representative for Europe pointed to the inadequate availability of sex-disaggregated statistics and proposed to work more on policy dimensions of increasing men’s involvement in care and house work. The representative for Latin America and the Caribbean noted that if things progress at the current pace it will take 40 more years before the region can achieve gender parity in political participation. The representative was also concerned with the existing gender wage gap where a well-educated woman earns much less than non-educated man.At statements throughout the week, delegations of many countries expressed support for the UN’s proposed new gender entity, with several urging that it be finalized and operational as soon as possible.Member States Report on Links between MDGs and Beijing Platform for Action Delegations of 29 Member States presented their achievements and concerns related to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the Beijing Platform for Action during a dialogue of the high-level plenary on Thursday. United Nations system entities and non-governmental organizations shared innovative approaches and experiences and results achieved, as well as specific challenges in implementing the Platform for action and achieving the MDGs. The moderator’s summary of the dialogue contribute to the ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review in July 2010 and the September 2010 High-level plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on accelerating progress towards the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.Notable highlights among the presentations discussed issues of reproductive and sexual health when tackling maternal health, financial commitments to the New Gender Entity, measuring progress towards “Delivering as One” with the United Nations, combining collaboration among multi-stakeholders and the individual responsibility of countries towards the international community for the achievement of MDGs and Beijing Platform for Action. As closing recommendations for action, it was noted that the gaps and challenges in the Beijing Platform for Action’s 12 areas of concern must be addressed through a coherent and multisectoral approach that took into account the impacts of the multiple global crises.See full report of the two panel events here Additional Resources:UNDP side events during the Commission on the Status of Women [PDF]UNDP Fast Facts on Progress since the Beijing Conference [PDF]UNDP’s messages for the Commission on the Status of Women 2010 [PDF] For more Information on the CSW15-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) Click here for WEBCAST

Regional perspectives in progress achieved and remaining gaps and challenges in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action On Thursday, representatives of the UN’s five regional commissions presented regional perspectives in progress achieved and remaining gaps and challenges in the implementation of the Beijing Platform.
They each reported that much progress has been made in a number of areas including girls’ education and women’s political participation. Nevertheless, the representative of Asia and the Pacific noted that maternal death is still extremely high in the region. The representative for Europe pointed to the inadequate availability of sex-disaggregated statistics and proposed to work more on policy dimensions of increasing men’s involvement in care and house work. The representative for Latin America and the Caribbean noted that if things progress at the current pace it will take 40 more years before the region can achieve gender parity in political participation. The representative was also concerned with the existing gender wage gap where a well-educated woman earns much less than non-educated man.At statements throughout the week, delegations of many countries expressed support for the UN’s proposed new gender entity, with several urging that it be finalized and operational as soon as possible.Member States Report on Links between MDGs and Beijing Platform for Action Delegations of 29 Member States presented their achievements and concerns related to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the Beijing Platform for Action during a dialogue of the high-level plenary on Thursday. United Nations system entities and non-governmental organizations shared innovative approaches and experiences and results achieved, as well as specific challenges in implementing the Platform for action and achieving the MDGs. The moderator’s summary of the dialogue contribute to the ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review in July 2010 and the September 2010 High-level plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on accelerating progress towards the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.Notable highlights among the presentations discussed issues of reproductive and sexual health when tackling maternal health, financial commitments to the New Gender Entity, measuring progress towards “Delivering as One” with the United Nations, combining collaboration among multi-stakeholders and the individual responsibility of countries towards the international community for the achievement of MDGs and Beijing Platform for Action. As closing recommendations for action, it was noted that the gaps and challenges in the Beijing Platform for Action’s 12 areas of concern must be addressed through a coherent and multisectoral approach that took into account the impacts of the multiple global crises.See full report of the two panel events here Additional Resources:UNDP side events during the Commission on the Status of Women [PDF]UNDP Fast Facts on Progress since the Beijing Conference [PDF]UNDP’s messages for the Commission on the Status of Women 2010 [PDF] For more Information on the CSW15-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) Click here for WEBCAST