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World News

Liberia: “Accommodate more women in politics”

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Liberia: “Accommodate more women in politics”


The African Women Leaders Network Liberia Chapter (AWLN Liberia), in collaboration with the National Elections Commission (NEC) on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, concluded its second consultative meeting with representatives of the women’s wings of political parties with an emphasis calling on their Governing Council to accommodate more women in politics.

The African Women Leaders Network Liberia Chapter (AWLN Liberia), in collaboration with the National Elections Commission (NEC) on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, concluded its second consultative meeting with representatives of the women’s wings of political parties with an emphasis calling on their Governing Council to accommodate more women in politics.

World News

App boosts role of women in peace processes

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App boosts role of women in peace processes


A mobile app has been launched to help embed women’s rights in peace negotiations in the Arab world and beyond. Ç

A mobile app has been launched to help embed women’s rights in peace negotiations in the Arab world and beyond. Ç

World News

UN Women and Electoral Commission discuss women's participation in polls

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UN Women and Electoral Commission discuss women's participation in polls


In an effort to increase the participation of women in the coming general elections, UN Women officials have met with the top leadership of the Electoral Commission (EC) to discuss the road map for the elections.

In an effort to increase the participation of women in the coming general elections, UN Women officials have met with the top leadership of the Electoral Commission (EC) to discuss the road map for the elections.

World News

Faces of 4 brilliant, youthful Kenyan women doing greatness behind progressive politics arena

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Faces of 4 brilliant, youthful Kenyan women doing greatness behind progressive politics arena


The scenario in Kenyan politics, however, contravenes this adage that is worth making reference to if the role of women in the society is anything to go by- besides being many important things, they are nurturers.

It does not need a keen eye to see that the political field of play in Kenya is dominated by not just males, but older males in that case. This is not to say that women are not in politics and neither is it insinuating women's roles in leadership can be overlooked.

The scenario in Kenyan politics, however, contravenes this adage that is worth making reference to if the role of women in the society is anything to go by- besides being many important things, they are nurturers.

It does not need a keen eye to see that the political field of play in Kenya is dominated by not just males, but older males in that case. This is not to say that women are not in politics and neither is it insinuating women's roles in leadership can be overlooked.

World News

Kathmandu: Empowering the voice of all women amid the pandemic

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Kathmandu: Empowering the voice of all women amid the pandemic


Over in the past few months, incidences of women being oppressed have surfaced time and again.

Over in the past few months, incidences of women being oppressed have surfaced time and again.

World News

UN Women, others launch campaign to enhance women’s participation in politics

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UN Women, others launch campaign to enhance women’s participation in politics


UN Women in partnership with the African Women Leaders Network Liberia Chapter (AWLN-Liberia) has embarked on a consultative meeting with representatives of the women’s wings of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) to discuss advocacy strategies for the approval of gender provisions in the electoral law amendments submitted by National Elections Commission (NEC) to the Legislature.

UN Women in partnership with the African Women Leaders Network Liberia Chapter (AWLN-Liberia) has embarked on a consultative meeting with representatives of the women’s wings of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) to discuss advocacy strategies for the approval of gender provisions in the electoral law amendments submitted by National Elections Commission (NEC) to the Legislature.

World News

When it comes to decision-making, women must move from the margins to the mainstream

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When it comes to decision-making, women must move from the margins to the mainstream


Twenty-five years after the landmark Beijing women’s conference, politics remains overwhelmingly the domain of men. Today, women are not even a quarter of all elected politicians in the world.

Twenty-five years after the landmark Beijing women’s conference, politics remains overwhelmingly the domain of men. Today, women are not even a quarter of all elected politicians in the world.

World News

Sudanese women ready to ‘break taboos’ and run for office

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Sudanese women ready to ‘break taboos’ and run for office


Much has already changed for women since the protests: laws restricting freedom of dress, movement and work were repealed, and female genital mutilation was criminalized.

Much has already changed for women since the protests: laws restricting freedom of dress, movement and work were repealed, and female genital mutilation was criminalized.

World News

To build back, women must be included in decision making

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To build back, women must be included in decision making


In December 2017 Bloomberg made headlines when it published a report that suggested inclusive teams made better decisions up to 87 percent of the time. The report also noted that having more inclusive decision-making led to swifter decisions.

In December 2017 Bloomberg made headlines when it published a report that suggested inclusive teams made better decisions up to 87 percent of the time. The report also noted that having more inclusive decision-making led to swifter decisions.