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BRIDGE Project Encourages Women's Voting in Haiti

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BRIDGE Project Encourages Women's Voting in Haiti


Sixteen years ago the BRIDGE –Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections– project was initiated. This is a joint initiative between the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). The BRIDGE project has four main objectives:

Sixteen years ago the BRIDGE –Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections– project was initiated. This is a joint initiative between the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). The BRIDGE project has four main objectives:

World News

Pro PALOP-TL SAI: strengthening Women MPs’ capacities for more effective gender sensitive legislative budget oversight in Cabo Verde Islands

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Pro PALOP-TL SAI: strengthening Women MPs’ capacities for more effective gender sensitive legislative budget oversight in Cabo Verde Islands


Written by Isaura Lopes Ramos, Communications Officer at the joint UNDP/UNFPS/UNICEF office of Cabo Verde. 

Gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is government planning, programming and budgeting that contributes to the advancement of gender equality and the fulfillment of women's rights. It entails identifying and reflecting needed interventions to address gender gaps in sector and local government policies, plans and budgets.

Written by Isaura Lopes Ramos, Communications Officer at the joint UNDP/UNFPS/UNICEF office of Cabo Verde. 

Gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is government planning, programming and budgeting that contributes to the advancement of gender equality and the fulfillment of women's rights. It entails identifying and reflecting needed interventions to address gender gaps in sector and local government policies, plans and budgets.

World News

Mobilizing greater global investment in gender equality and women’s empowerment

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Mobilizing greater global investment in gender equality and women’s empowerment


To mobilize global leaders to increase the scale and scope of funding for gender equality commitments, UN Women, together with the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Sweden, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development, co-hosted a side event on “Transformative financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment: Expectations from the Financing for Development process” on 16 April in New York.

To mobilize global leaders to increase the scale and scope of funding for gender equality commitments, UN Women, together with the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Sweden, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development, co-hosted a side event on “Transformative financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment: Expectations from the Financing for Development process” on 16 April in New York.

World News

MPs commit to transformative action on global peace and development

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MPs commit to transformative action on global peace and development


Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) have committed to taking the necessary action to carry forward proposed new sustainable development goals (SDGs) due to be adopted later this year. The success of the SDGs would transform the world and the lives of its people.
Parliaments from across the world reaffirmed their vision of sustainable development based on human rights, poverty eradication, peace and security in the Hanoi Declaration, adopted at the conclusion of the five-day 132nd IPU Assembly in the Vietnamese capital.

Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) have committed to taking the necessary action to carry forward proposed new sustainable development goals (SDGs) due to be adopted later this year. The success of the SDGs would transform the world and the lives of its people.
Parliaments from across the world reaffirmed their vision of sustainable development based on human rights, poverty eradication, peace and security in the Hanoi Declaration, adopted at the conclusion of the five-day 132nd IPU Assembly in the Vietnamese capital.

World News

Young Palestinians push for a gender-equal Constitution

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Young Palestinians push for a gender-equal Constitution


“I used to be afraid to give my opinion, but now I tell people about complex issues like politics, women’s rights and the Constitution. I feel strong,” says 24-year-old Amani Thawabta, a law school graduate from Palestine. Although she speaks about lobbying for women’s rights as powerfully as a lifelong advocate, that wasn’t always the case. Amani is from the small Palestinian village of Beit Fajjar in the central West Bank, where the conservative culture makes it hard for young women to take part in public life or claim their rights.

“I used to be afraid to give my opinion, but now I tell people about complex issues like politics, women’s rights and the Constitution. I feel strong,” says 24-year-old Amani Thawabta, a law school graduate from Palestine. Although she speaks about lobbying for women’s rights as powerfully as a lifelong advocate, that wasn’t always the case. Amani is from the small Palestinian village of Beit Fajjar in the central West Bank, where the conservative culture makes it hard for young women to take part in public life or claim their rights.

World News

Joining efforts to increase political participation of women in Samoa

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Joining efforts to increase political participation of women in Samoa


Joint Press Release
UNDP and UN Women

Suva, Fiji - Today (01 April 2015) representatives from the Government of Samoa, the Government of Australia, UN agencies and civil society organisations gather in Apia to witness the signing of the Increasing Political Participation of Women in Samoa (IPPWS) UN Joint Programme.

Joint Press Release
UNDP and UN Women

Suva, Fiji - Today (01 April 2015) representatives from the Government of Samoa, the Government of Australia, UN agencies and civil society organisations gather in Apia to witness the signing of the Increasing Political Participation of Women in Samoa (IPPWS) UN Joint Programme.

World News

Sluggish progress on women in politics will hamper development - Press Release IPU and UNWOMEN

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Sluggish progress on women in politics will hamper development - Press Release IPU and UNWOMEN


The Women in Politics 2015 Map launched by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women today shows that although the numbers of women in executive government and in parliament continue to inch forward, the slow rate of progress will severely check global development plans due to be adopted later this year.

Map 2015.



The Women in Politics 2015 Map launched by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women today shows that although the numbers of women in executive government and in parliament continue to inch forward, the slow rate of progress will severely check global development plans due to be adopted later this year.

Map 2015.



World News

Women Making Democracy Happen

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Women Making Democracy Happen


Today is International Women’s Day – a day to celebrate all that women have achieved while recognizing the barriers that still stand in the way of gender equality.

This year’s theme is “Make It Happen.” Since its founding in 1983, NDI has sought to live those words by helping to give women the tools to participate, compete and lead as equal and active partners in democratic change. Here are some examples:

Today is International Women’s Day – a day to celebrate all that women have achieved while recognizing the barriers that still stand in the way of gender equality.

This year’s theme is “Make It Happen.” Since its founding in 1983, NDI has sought to live those words by helping to give women the tools to participate, compete and lead as equal and active partners in democratic change. Here are some examples:

World News

Latin America and the Caribbean reaffirm commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action

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Latin America and the Caribbean reaffirm commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action


After two days of rigorous and productive discussions during the Latin America and Caribbean Special Session on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, delegations from 21 countries unanimously reaffirmed the region’s commitment to the Platform for Action, and the goal to remove  barriers that prevent women's active participation in all spheres of public and private life.

After two days of rigorous and productive discussions during the Latin America and Caribbean Special Session on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, delegations from 21 countries unanimously reaffirmed the region’s commitment to the Platform for Action, and the goal to remove  barriers that prevent women's active participation in all spheres of public and private life.