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Argentina: Power Still Overwhelmingly in Men's Hands

World News

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Argentina: Power Still Overwhelmingly in Men's Hands


In Argentina the overwhelming majority of decision-making posts in the most diverse areas are occupied by men, with the exception of the presidency, held by Christina Fernandez. This conclusion was reached by a quantitative study, "Sexo y poder. ¿Quién manda en Argentina?" (Sex and Power: Who Runs Argentina?), presented in Buenos Aires in May by the Latin American Justice and Gender Group (ELA). The academic group developed a Women's Participation Index (WPI) and applied it to thousands of public and decision-making positions in over 4,000 state and private institutions and organisations.

For more information, please visit: IPS news


In Argentina the overwhelming majority of decision-making posts in the most diverse areas are occupied by men, with the exception of the presidency, held by Christina Fernandez. This conclusion was reached by a quantitative study, "Sexo y poder. ¿Quién manda en Argentina?" (Sex and Power: Who Runs Argentina?), presented in Buenos Aires in May by the Latin American Justice and Gender Group (ELA). The academic group developed a Women's Participation Index (WPI) and applied it to thousands of public and decision-making positions in over 4,000 state and private institutions and organisations.

For more information, please visit: IPS news


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