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Armenia: Panel at UN Explores Women’s Empowerment and Sustainability in Armenia

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Armenia: Panel at UN Explores Women’s Empowerment and Sustainability in Armenia


9 Mar 2012 - The status of rural women worldwide was the focus of the 56thsession of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW56), held in the United Nations headquarters in New York from 27 Feb.-9 March. The two-week event brought together members of governments and civil society, rural women, and the media to analyze and report on the progress of initiatives laid out in the Beijing Platform for Action, which aims for gender equality. During this year’s session, the Commission focused on the empowerment of rural women, their role in development, and ending poverty and hunger. On March 2, as part of these high-level panels, the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the UN, together with Women’s World Banking, CSW NGO Forum, and the Armenian Relief Society (ARS), held a panel discussion titled “From Empowerment to Sustainability: Financing, Leadership, and Health for Rural Women.”

For the full story, see The Armenia Weekly.


9 Mar 2012 - The status of rural women worldwide was the focus of the 56thsession of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW56), held in the United Nations headquarters in New York from 27 Feb.-9 March. The two-week event brought together members of governments and civil society, rural women, and the media to analyze and report on the progress of initiatives laid out in the Beijing Platform for Action, which aims for gender equality. During this year’s session, the Commission focused on the empowerment of rural women, their role in development, and ending poverty and hunger. On March 2, as part of these high-level panels, the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the UN, together with Women’s World Banking, CSW NGO Forum, and the Armenian Relief Society (ARS), held a panel discussion titled “From Empowerment to Sustainability: Financing, Leadership, and Health for Rural Women.”

For the full story, see The Armenia Weekly.
