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Saudi Arabia: In a Land of Few Rights, Saudi Women Fight to Vote

World News

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Saudi Arabia: In a Land of Few Rights, Saudi Women Fight to Vote


Saudi women have no right to vote in the rare, countrywide elections Saudi officials hold or to drive on the kingdom's roads. They have little say in matters of marriage and divorce. They can't travel unless their male guardian — who could even be their child — gives them a letter granting them permission to do so. So when the government recently decided to renege on a promise to grant them the vote in municipal elections this fall, the women told me they'd had enough.

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Saudi women have no right to vote in the rare, countrywide elections Saudi officials hold or to drive on the kingdom's roads. They have little say in matters of marriage and divorce. They can't travel unless their male guardian — who could even be their child — gives them a letter granting them permission to do so. So when the government recently decided to renege on a promise to grant them the vote in municipal elections this fall, the women told me they'd had enough.

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