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USA: Gender roles: It’s time for a change

World News

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USA: Gender roles: It’s time for a change


International, national, state and local female politicians can all feel the uncomfortable preference toward men in politics. As UCF students, we can still feel it on campus with the 42nd SGA Senate elections.This year, there was a 70 percent increase in candidates trying to grab a seat on the senate.
An increased interest in college politics is a good sign that our student body is not completely apathetic. Even with the new numbers, only about 30 of the 107 candidates are women. We are alarmed at the low female political representation, especially given the fact that there are actually more women enrolled at UCF than men. Women on campus have no problem representing their gender in the Greek community as well as various clubs on campus. Surely we can produce politicians just as easily. For more informations, please visit central florida


International, national, state and local female politicians can all feel the uncomfortable preference toward men in politics. As UCF students, we can still feel it on campus with the 42nd SGA Senate elections.This year, there was a 70 percent increase in candidates trying to grab a seat on the senate.
An increased interest in college politics is a good sign that our student body is not completely apathetic. Even with the new numbers, only about 30 of the 107 candidates are women. We are alarmed at the low female political representation, especially given the fact that there are actually more women enrolled at UCF than men. Women on campus have no problem representing their gender in the Greek community as well as various clubs on campus. Surely we can produce politicians just as easily. For more informations, please visit central florida
