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World News

Politician slaps a woman MP in Senegal parliament, sparking brawlà l’Assemblée

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Politician slaps a woman MP in Senegal parliament, sparking brawlà l’Assemblée


Tensions have grown between ruling and opposition politicians since legislative elections in July when leading coalition lost its comfortable majority.

A violent brawl broke out in Senegal’s parliament after a male opposition legislator slapped a female colleague in the face, television footage showed, amid growing acrimony between ruling and opposition party politicians.

Tensions have grown between ruling and opposition politicians since legislative elections in July when leading coalition lost its comfortable majority.

A violent brawl broke out in Senegal’s parliament after a male opposition legislator slapped a female colleague in the face, television footage showed, amid growing acrimony between ruling and opposition party politicians.

World News

Nepal: New House of Representatives to be less inclusive

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Nepal: New House of Representatives to be less inclusive


As proportional representation votes are scattered among parties, women, Dalits, Janajatis will be underrepresented.

With most Dalit, Janajati and women candiates across parties failing to win the first-past-the-post (FPTP) elections for the House of Representatives, the upcoming parliament is set to become less inclusive than the last one.

As proportional representation votes are scattered among parties, women, Dalits, Janajatis will be underrepresented.

With most Dalit, Janajati and women candiates across parties failing to win the first-past-the-post (FPTP) elections for the House of Representatives, the upcoming parliament is set to become less inclusive than the last one.

World News

Ireland: Cork caucus hears calls for gender quotas to be extended to local government elections

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Ireland: Cork caucus hears calls for gender quotas to be extended to local government elections


Gender quotas should be extended from national elections to the 2024 local government elections to ensure Ireland is in line with other European countries, new research has recommended.

It also found that some female elected members believe local government to be “a boys’ club”, while others spoke of being the target of misogynistic slurs at public council meetings.

Gender quotas should be extended from national elections to the 2024 local government elections to ensure Ireland is in line with other European countries, new research has recommended.

It also found that some female elected members believe local government to be “a boys’ club”, while others spoke of being the target of misogynistic slurs at public council meetings.

World News

UN scores Nigeria low on women participation in politics

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UN scores Nigeria low on women participation in politics


INEC urges political parties to respect their constitutions

The United Nations (UN) has scored Nigeria low in the area of women participation in politics.

INEC urges political parties to respect their constitutions

The United Nations (UN) has scored Nigeria low in the area of women participation in politics.

World News

Australia Liberals’ election review to back pipeline, not quotas, to attract women to party

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Australia Liberals’ election review to back pipeline, not quotas, to attract women to party


A secret review into the Liberals’ disastrous election loss in May has ruled out formal quotas for the number of women MPs in federal parliament and instead recommends a British-style recruitment drive to improve the party’s gender balance.

A secret review into the Liberals’ disastrous election loss in May has ruled out formal quotas for the number of women MPs in federal parliament and instead recommends a British-style recruitment drive to improve the party’s gender balance.

World News

Jacinda Ardern and Sanna Marin dismiss suggestion their age and gender was reason for meeting

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Jacinda Ardern and Sanna Marin dismiss suggestion their age and gender was reason for meeting


Finland’s PM says she met Ardern in New Zealand because they are both ‘prime ministers’ after journalist asks whether it was due to similar age and gender.

The prime ministers of Finland and New Zealand have taken a swipe at suggestions their first face-to-face meeting in New Zealand happened because they are both young female leaders.

Finland’s PM says she met Ardern in New Zealand because they are both ‘prime ministers’ after journalist asks whether it was due to similar age and gender.

The prime ministers of Finland and New Zealand have taken a swipe at suggestions their first face-to-face meeting in New Zealand happened because they are both young female leaders.

World News

Nepal: Women candidates in HoR and PA elections of 2079 BS

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Nepal: Women candidates in HoR and PA elections of 2079 BS


KATHMANDU, Nov 25: Five women candidates have been elected to the House of Representatives (HoR) in the elections held on November 20. According to the data of the Election Commission (EC), women candidates were elected from five constituencies across the country till Thursday evening. According to the EC, Sobita Gautam of Rastriya Swatantra Party was elected from Kathmandu-2 and Toshima Karki from Lalitpur-3, Bidya Bhattarai of CPN-UML from Kaski-2, Rekha Sharma of CPN (Maoist Center) from Dang-2 and Ranjita Shrestha of Nagarik Unmukti Party from Kailali-1.

KATHMANDU, Nov 25: Five women candidates have been elected to the House of Representatives (HoR) in the elections held on November 20. According to the data of the Election Commission (EC), women candidates were elected from five constituencies across the country till Thursday evening. According to the EC, Sobita Gautam of Rastriya Swatantra Party was elected from Kathmandu-2 and Toshima Karki from Lalitpur-3, Bidya Bhattarai of CPN-UML from Kaski-2, Rekha Sharma of CPN (Maoist Center) from Dang-2 and Ranjita Shrestha of Nagarik Unmukti Party from Kailali-1.

World News

USA: A record number of women will serve in the next Congress

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USA: A record number of women will serve in the next Congress


CNN — A record number of women will be elected to Congress this year, CNN projects – but barely.

The 149 women who will serve in the US House and Senate in the 118th Congress will expand the ranks of female representation by just two members above the record set by this Congress.

CNN — A record number of women will be elected to Congress this year, CNN projects – but barely.

The 149 women who will serve in the US House and Senate in the 118th Congress will expand the ranks of female representation by just two members above the record set by this Congress.

World News

“There is no place for violence against women in democratic cities and regions”, says Council of Europe Congress Spokesperson on Gender Equality

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“There is no place for violence against women in democratic cities and regions”, says Council of Europe Congress Spokesperson on Gender Equality


On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, held every year on 25 November, the spokesperson for the Council of Europe Congress on Gender Equality, Ms Eirini Dourou (SOC, Greece), made the following statement:

On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, held every year on 25 November, the spokesperson for the Council of Europe Congress on Gender Equality, Ms Eirini Dourou (SOC, Greece), made the following statement: