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World News

Panel centers Black women on the political landscape

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Panel centers Black women on the political landscape


In a panel on Feb. 5, Black female scholars from across the country came together to explore the power of Black women in American politics and their nuanced role as actors in the current political climate. The panel titled “Black Women’s Politics,” was hosted by the Women and Gender Studies, African American Studies, and Government departments to commemorate Black History Month. 

In a panel on Feb. 5, Black female scholars from across the country came together to explore the power of Black women in American politics and their nuanced role as actors in the current political climate. The panel titled “Black Women’s Politics,” was hosted by the Women and Gender Studies, African American Studies, and Government departments to commemorate Black History Month. 

World News

Bangladesh, a bastion of female empowerment, lags on democracy

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Bangladesh, a bastion of female empowerment, lags on democracy


TOKYO -- Two strong, prominent female leaders have found themselves facing very different political futures in neighboring countries on the Bay of Bengal.

TOKYO -- Two strong, prominent female leaders have found themselves facing very different political futures in neighboring countries on the Bay of Bengal.

World News

30% Reservation yet political dream is distant for Indonesian women

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30% Reservation yet political dream is distant for Indonesian women


In the 2019 general election, Indonesians voted more women into the national parliament than ever before. After the first election of the post-authoritarian period in 1999, women’s representation was a paltry 8.8%, so the rise to 20.9% in 2019 seemed worth celebrating. Indeed, women activists had worked long and hard to reach this point. Disappointed with the results of the first two elections, they had successfully pushed for a candidate quota, requiring parties to nominate at least 30% women.

In the 2019 general election, Indonesians voted more women into the national parliament than ever before. After the first election of the post-authoritarian period in 1999, women’s representation was a paltry 8.8%, so the rise to 20.9% in 2019 seemed worth celebrating. Indeed, women activists had worked long and hard to reach this point. Disappointed with the results of the first two elections, they had successfully pushed for a candidate quota, requiring parties to nominate at least 30% women.

World News

Proposal to guarantee additional seats for Solomon Islands women in politics

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Proposal to guarantee additional seats for Solomon Islands women in politics


The Ministry of Women in Solomon Islands is looking at new legislation which could guarantee extra seats for women in provincial assemblies.

The SIBC reports in the 45 years of independent governance, 16 women have been voted into Provincial Assemblies and six into Parliament.

The Ministry of Women in Solomon Islands is looking at new legislation which could guarantee extra seats for women in provincial assemblies.

The SIBC reports in the 45 years of independent governance, 16 women have been voted into Provincial Assemblies and six into Parliament.

World News

Even with a 30% quota in place, Indonesian women face an uphill battle running for office

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Even with a 30% quota in place, Indonesian women face an uphill battle running for office


In the 2019 general election, Indonesians voted more women into the national parliament than ever before. 

After the first election of the post-authoritarian period in 1999, women’s representation was a paltry 8.8%, so the rise to 20.9% in 2019 seemed worth celebrating. Indeed, women activists had worked long and hard to reach this point. 

Disappointed with the results of the first two elections, they had successfully pushed for a candidate quota, requiring parties to nominate at least 30% women. 

In the 2019 general election, Indonesians voted more women into the national parliament than ever before. 

After the first election of the post-authoritarian period in 1999, women’s representation was a paltry 8.8%, so the rise to 20.9% in 2019 seemed worth celebrating. Indeed, women activists had worked long and hard to reach this point. 

Disappointed with the results of the first two elections, they had successfully pushed for a candidate quota, requiring parties to nominate at least 30% women. 

World News

Pakistan elections: How women candidates are fighting for change in polls?

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Pakistan elections: How women candidates are fighting for change in polls?


The Pakistan elections are only a day away, on February 8, and candidates of all genders, religions, and political parties are working hard to make their mark in the polls.

The Pakistan elections are only a day away, on February 8, and candidates of all genders, religions, and political parties are working hard to make their mark in the polls.

World News

Women’s Political Participation

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Women’s Political Participation


The Women's Political Participation Program is committed to reshaping the narrative and reality of women's political engagement in the Arab region. At the heart of this initiative lies the belief that women's political participation is not just an aspect of gender equality, but a fundamental component of robust and resilient democracies. We view women's involvement in politics not merely as a matter of representation, but as a vital force in shaping public policy, governance, and the very fabric of political life.

The Women's Political Participation Program is committed to reshaping the narrative and reality of women's political engagement in the Arab region. At the heart of this initiative lies the belief that women's political participation is not just an aspect of gender equality, but a fundamental component of robust and resilient democracies. We view women's involvement in politics not merely as a matter of representation, but as a vital force in shaping public policy, governance, and the very fabric of political life.

World News

The struggle for women’s representation in Indonesian politics: an uphill battle

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The struggle for women’s representation in Indonesian politics: an uphill battle


A Step Forward but Not Enough

In the 2019 general election, Indonesians elected more women into the national parliament than ever before, with women’s representation rising to 20.9%. This increase was attributed to the implementation of a 30% candidate quota for women, which compelled political parties to nominate more women candidates. However, this quota did not lead to equal representation, as more than 20% of electoral districts did not elect any women to parliament.

A Step Forward but Not Enough

In the 2019 general election, Indonesians elected more women into the national parliament than ever before, with women’s representation rising to 20.9%. This increase was attributed to the implementation of a 30% candidate quota for women, which compelled political parties to nominate more women candidates. However, this quota did not lead to equal representation, as more than 20% of electoral districts did not elect any women to parliament.

World News

Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Commend Italy on Gender Architecture, Ask About Human Trafficking and Gender Parity in Politics

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Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Commend Italy on Gender Architecture, Ask About Human Trafficking and Gender Parity in Politics


The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women today reviewed the eighth periodic report of Italy, with Committee Experts commending the State on its robust gender architecture, while asking questions about human trafficking and gender parity in politics. 

The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women today reviewed the eighth periodic report of Italy, with Committee Experts commending the State on its robust gender architecture, while asking questions about human trafficking and gender parity in politics.