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Parliamentary Elections in Japan
Parliamentary Elections in Japan
24% of the candidates for the upcoming elections for the House of Councillors (upper house) are women. There are currently 44 (18.57%) women members of Japan’s upper house out of a total of 237 seats…
Presidential First Round (Tentative) in Mali
Presidential First Round (Tentative) in Mali
There is currently only one woman candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, Mme Haidara Aissata Cisse dite Chato. If you'd like to read an interview with her, please visit our news section…
Second round of Parliamentary elections in Bhutan
Second round of Parliamentary elections in Bhutan
Bhutan will hold the second round of its parliamentary elections. The five women candidates were defeated on the first round. However, King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck directly appointed two women…
Parliamentary Elections in Kuwait
Parliamentary Elections in Kuwait
Eight  women are registered as candidates for the parliamentary elections that will take place in Kuwait on July 27. The number of total candidates is 418 (1.9% are women).In 2009, four women…
Presidential elections in Iran
Presidential elections in Iran
Thirty women have registered their application to the Ministry of Interior for the June 14th elections, despite the fact that the Iranian authorities do not allow women to stand for election.…
European Elections 2014
European Elections 2014
  The European elections will be held in all 28 member states from the 22 to 25 May. Every five years EU citizens choose who represents them in the European Parliament, the directly-elected…
Regional Conference on Women's Political Participation: Charting a Path for Political Equality in Asia
Regional Conference on Women's Political Participation: Charting a Path for Political Equality in Asia
Charting a Path for Political Equality in Asia is organized by UNDP (Country Office Mongolia and supported by the Asia-Pacific Regional Center and the Regional Bureau of the Asia Pacific) in…
Global Gender Forum presents: Burma After the By-Elections: Taking Gender and Human Security Into Account
Global Gender Forum presents: Burma After the By-Elections: Taking Gender and Human Security Into Account
The Global Gender Forum presents: Burma After the By-Elections: Taking Gender and Human Security Into Account A Panel Discussion…
SIERRA LEONE: Presidential Elections, 17 Nov 2012
SIERRA LEONE: Presidential Elections, 17 Nov 2012
Sierra Leone Republic of Sierra Leone Region: Africa   Description of government structure: Chief of State: President Ernest Bai KOROMA * Head of Government: President…