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CEDAW for Change One Week Institute
CEDAW for Change One Week Institute
WOMEN’S RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS! CEDAW for Change One Week Institute June 3 - 7, 2013 The CEDAW for Change one-week institute is designed to cultivate a better understanding of the…
Women’s Political Power in 2012
Women’s Political Power in 2012
In a myriad of ways, the outcome of the 2012 elections hinged on women. With the largest gender gap for a presidential election in Gallup poll history, President Barack Obama won the female vote by…
Call for Applications: CREA's Feminist Leadership, Movement Building, and Rights Institute South Asia
Call for Applications: CREA's Feminist Leadership, Movement Building, and Rights Institute South Asia
28 January - 1 February 2013 Kathmandu, Nepal To apply online, click here. If you experience difficulty with the online method, download the application from CREA's website ( and…
CREA's Feminist Leadership, Movement Building, and Rights Institute South Asia
CREA's Feminist Leadership, Movement Building, and Rights Institute South Asia
CREA's Feminist Leadership, Movement Building, and Rights Institute South Asia 28 January - 1 February 2013 Kathmandu, Nepal To apply online, click here. If you experience difficulty with the…
UNDP invites you to join the Asia Pacific Community of Practice on Women’s Political Participation and Leadership
UNDP invites you to join the Asia Pacific Community of Practice on Women’s Political Participation and Leadership
Warm greetings from the United Nations Development Programme Asia-Pacific Regional Center’s (UNDP APRC) Gender and Democratic Governance Teams in Bangkok. We are pleased to invite you to join the…
Call for Applications: Training in Gender and Politics, South East Asia
Call for Applications: Training in Gender and Politics, South East Asia
For more information, or to apply, please follow this link: The Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development will be…
Gender Equity in Tibetan Public Affairs: New Thoughts on a Democracy in Progress
Gender Equity in Tibetan Public Affairs: New Thoughts on a Democracy in Progress
The Global Gender Forum presents:   Gender Equity in Tibetan Public Affairs: New Thoughts on a Democracy in Progress   by Dr. B. Tsering Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellow and Member of…
Arab Feminist Knowledge Production Meeting
Arab Feminist Knowledge Production Meeting
What are we calling for exactly? Young women activist, writers and feminists have been setting up alternative electronic media websites/blogs  to provide more critical coverage and point of…
Seminar Friday 20 April: Democratic Developments in Tanzania
Seminar Friday 20 April: Democratic Developments in Tanzania
Three representatives from Tanzania Centre for Democracy will speak at the seminar arranged in collaboration with the Danish Institute for Internationale Studies.   Background Democracy in…