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UNGA 2018: Accelerating the women’s movement for peace and humanitarian action
UNGA 2018: Accelerating the women’s movement for peace and humanitarian action
Hosted by the Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund, in partnership with Australia, Canada, Ireland, the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, UNFPA and UN Women. The evening event and reception will…
UNGA 2018: #SheIsEqual Summit
UNGA 2018: #SheIsEqual Summit
The #SheIsEqual Summit will bring together the brightest minds in policy, media, entertainment, and the private sector to explore where positive impact can be made on gender equality, women’s…
UNGA 2018: Women leading the way. The power of women’s leadership in politics, businesses, and communities
UNGA 2018: Women leading the way. The power of women’s leadership in politics, businesses, and communities
Rather than focusing solely on the challenges and the low representation of women in leadership in both the political and economic spheres, Women Deliver and partners believe in spotlighting diverse…
UNGA 2018: Data driving change, EM2030 SDG gender index
UNGA 2018: Data driving change, EM2030 SDG gender index
Equal Measures 2030 (EM2030) will present EM2030's SDG Gender Index framework, the most comprehensive Index on gender equality aligned to the SDGs and rooted in the expressed needs of gender…
UNGA 2018: First Ladies high level Forum
UNGA 2018: First Ladies high level Forum
Held annually during the week of the United Nations General Assembly, the First Ladies High Level Forum Annual Peace Award Dinner is one of the most anticipated women in executive leadership-focused…
Will women decide the Brazilian election? The potential impact of female voters and candidates
Will women decide the Brazilian election? The potential impact of female voters and candidates
Polls suggest that women may play a decisive role in determining who wins the presidential race in Brazil this October. As many as two-thirds of women are currently undecided, and 60 percent reject…
Women participation and sustainable energy- Second World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development
Women participation and sustainable energy- Second World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development
The Second World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development  will take place on 12-13 September 2018 in Bali. The theme of the meeting entitled “Partnership towards Sustainable Energies…
Regional seminar on the Sustainable Development Goals and gender equality for parliaments of the Middle East and North Africa
Regional seminar on the Sustainable Development Goals and gender equality for parliaments of the Middle East and North Africa
The Seminar will define opportunities available to, and challenges facing, parliaments in implementating the SDGs and gender equality. It will help participants share experiences, good…
Twitter Chat on #YouthinPolitics
Twitter Chat on #YouthinPolitics
The Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) reports that of all world MPs, only 1.9% are under the age of 30 and 14.2% are under the age of 40. IPU's research also reveals that although…