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The Strasbourg World Forum for Democracy is an annual gathering of leaders, opinion-makers, civil society activists, representatives of business, academia, media and professional groups to debate key…
Geneva NGO FORUM - Beijing+20 UN ECE Regional Review
Geneva NGO FORUM - Beijing+20 UN ECE Regional Review
The NGO Committee on the Status of Women, Geneva, and its partner organizations, will host an NGO Forum as part of the UNECE* Regional Review of Beijing+20 (Palais des Nations, Geneva - 6-7 Nov. 2014…
Translating international human rights commitments into national realities: The role of parliaments and their contribution to the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council
Translating international human rights commitments into national realities: The role of parliaments and their contribution to the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council
The Seminar is being jointly organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the General Assembly (Legislative Power) of Uruguay in collaboration with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human…
Pacific Women’s Parliamentary Partnerships Forum 2014
Pacific Women’s Parliamentary Partnerships Forum 2014
Pacific Women’s Parliamentary Partnerships, funded by the Australian Government, will support the professional and skills development of Pacific women parliamentarians and parliamentary staff;…
Arab Women Leadership Forum to be held in November
Arab Women Leadership Forum to be held in November
Dubai: The fourth edition of the Arab Women Leadership Forum will focus on the theme ‘Towards Global Competitiveness’ on November 4 and 5 at the Godolphin Ballroom in Emirates Towers Hotel. Dubai…
Women in Tunisia's Transition: Claiming Their Space
Women in Tunisia's Transition: Claiming Their Space
The National Democratic Institute and The Aspen Institutecordially invite you to attend a discussion on: Women in Tunisia's Transition: Claiming Their Space Wednesday, May 21, 201410:00-11:00 a.m.…
The value of networks - OECD Forum 2014
The value of networks - OECD Forum 2014
The Value of Networks -           Neveen El-Tahri, Chairperson and Managing Director, Delta Shield for Investment -     …
WIP Latin America Reunion 2014 - Sao Paulo
WIP Latin America Reunion 2014 - Sao Paulo
The "Women in Parliaments Global Forum" (WIP) is hosting the “WIP Latin America Reunion 2014” in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 25 to 26 May 2014. The meeting will address the economic and social concerns…
Wear Red for Women - A campaign to eradicate violence against women
Wear Red for Women - A campaign to eradicate violence against women
This event will consist of a video presentation on violence against women and brief interventions from the OAS Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza and some OAS Permanent Mission Representatives…