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Gender, Rights and Empowerment in Southeast Asia
Gender, Rights and Empowerment in Southeast Asia
The conference will have both social and economic significance as well academic interest to stimulate Southeast Asian women's studies and activities to be more systematic, organized, and useful. It…
The Gender Impacts of Debt and the IFIs
The Gender Impacts of Debt and the IFIs
Gender Action will hold this education session on gender, debt and the IFIs as part of Jubilee USA's National Lobby Day for debt cancellation. At the event we will discuss how the often illegitimate…
Women and Leadership in the Evolving 21st Century World
Women and Leadership in the Evolving 21st Century World
Invited Speakers - Ambassador Robin Raphel; Mary Claire Murphy, U.S. Department of Defense; Marie Wilson, White House Project; Mary O'Sullivan, C.I.A.; Ambassador Harriet Elam-Thomas. For more…
An Introduction to Gender Budgeting in Organizations and Institutions
An Introduction to Gender Budgeting in Organizations and Institutions
This course is organized by ILO International Training Center and targets policy makers, national and local public services staff;civil society representatives; United Nations and other international…
Ideas to Support Women's Leadership Roles in the Democratic Process in Africa Top Level Grassroots
Ideas to Support Women's Leadership Roles in the Democratic Process in Africa Top Level Grassroots
The British Embassy in partnership with National Geographic will host a one-day conference at the National Geographic Society. The conference will examine the role and progress that NGOs, media,…
Nawal El Saadawi in Conversation with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Nawal El Saadawi in Conversation with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Internationally acclaimed writer and activist Nawal El Saadawi is perhaps most famous for her books on the oppression of Arab women. An outspoken critic of successive governments in her native Egypt…
International Funding Investments for Gender Equality
International Funding Investments for Gender Equality
Speakers at the September CWI meeting will be Dr. Virginia Seitz, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and Elaine Zuckerman, founder and president of Gender Action.IMPORTANT NOTICEA photo ID must…
Call for Applications: Africa Regional Workshop: Women's Leadership in HIV/AIDS
Call for Applications: Africa Regional Workshop: Women's Leadership in HIV/AIDS
This workshop will be held on January 28-February 15, 2008. It is part of a series of international, regional and country-level workshops under the new Advancing Women's Leadership and Advocacy for…
Africa Regional Workshop: Women's Leadership in HIV/AIDS
Africa Regional Workshop: Women's Leadership in HIV/AIDS
Organized by the Centre for Development and Population Activities and partners, this workshop is part of a series of international, regional and country-level workshops under the new Advancing Women'…