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BRICS Women Parliamentarian Forum
BRICS Women Parliamentarian Forum
42 delegates from BRICS countries will be attending a two-day meeting of BRICS Women Parliamentarian Forum to be inaugurated by Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan in Jaipur on Saturday.…
Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament: United for shaping the future
Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament: United for shaping the future
The 11th edition of the Meeting of Women Speakers of Parliament will be held on 12 and 13 December 2016 and will be co-hosted by the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates and the IPU…
The 135th Inter-parliamentary Union Assembly
The 135th Inter-parliamentary Union Assembly
The 135th Inter-parliamentary Union Assembly will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from the 23th to the 27th of October 2016. Among the numerous agenda items the assembly is to…
Ensuring That No One Is Left Behind: Financing Gender Equality and Stable and Peaceful Societies for Effective Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
Ensuring That No One Is Left Behind: Financing Gender Equality and Stable and Peaceful Societies for Effective Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially on Gender Equality (Goal 5) and on Stable and Peaceful Societies (Goal 16), provide a critical opportunity to implement commitments on…
Workshop on Public Speaking: Effective Presentation and Communications
Workshop on Public Speaking: Effective Presentation and Communications
Fear of public speaking is the most common phobia and prevents many people from achieving their potential. Can you imagine all that you could accomplish if you were comfortable speaking in public and…
Call for Applications by the South Asia Women’s Fund
Call for Applications by the South Asia Women’s Fund
South Asia Women’s Fund is committed to supporting women’s organizations and activists working towards realizing women’s human rights in the South Asian region. Through its grant making portfolios,…
Combating Terrorism, Regional Conflicts, and Migration Challenges in the Middle East and Africa
Combating Terrorism, Regional Conflicts, and Migration Challenges in the Middle East and Africa
The Women’s Foreign Policy Group will host on June 20th an event around the theme “Celebrating Women Leaders benefit luncheon on Combating Terrorism, Regional Conflicts, and Migration…
Webinar of the Working Group on the Protocol of San Salvador
Webinar of the Working Group on the Protocol of San Salvador
Members of the Working Group, as well as representatives of civil society organizations and academia will evaluate lessons learned and assess the results of the First Round of National Reports on the…
OAS First and Second Plenary Sessions of the General Assembly
OAS First and Second Plenary Sessions of the General Assembly
Foreign ministers of OAS member states will meet from June 14-15, in the Dominican Republic. The General Assembly will be broadcast live on the OAS Website. More information is available here.