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Inclusive Security: Standing Up To Violence
Inclusive Security: Standing Up To Violence
Women from Colombia to Syria are preventing conflict, negotiating ceasefires, and helping their countries rebuild after war. When they have a seat at the negotiating table, the results are stronger…
International Workshop 'Men Roles in a Gender Equality Perspective-National and Cross-National Data Analysis-
International Workshop 'Men Roles in a Gender Equality Perspective-National and Cross-National Data Analysis-
The ‘Instituto de Ciências Sociais’ (Institute of Social Sciences), based in the University of Lisbon, together with the ‘Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego’ (Commission for Equality…
Women's Forum Global Meeting 2015
Women's Forum Global Meeting 2015
The Women’s Forum events bring together women and men leaders from all over the world representing the private sector, governments, academic circles, culture and others. These meetings aim to create…
The 133th Inter-parliamentary Union Assembly in Geneva
The 133th Inter-parliamentary Union Assembly in Geneva
The 133th Inter-parliamentary Union Assembly will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from the 17th to the 20th of October 2015. Among the numerous agenda items the assembly is to focus on…
Upcoming events related to UN Women's flagship report 'Progress of the World's Women 2015-2016'
Upcoming events related to UN Women's flagship report 'Progress of the World's Women 2015-2016'
UN Women's HeForShe Initiative on European Tour
UN Women's HeForShe Initiative on European Tour
UN Women’s initiative ‘HeForShe’, initiated on September 2014, is currently on tour all over Europe, and today’s stop is the London School of Economics. Everyone can follow the live event here.…
Women in Parliaments Global Forum Summit 2015
Women in Parliaments Global Forum Summit 2015
Women's Leadership Programme
Women's Leadership Programme
Money Matters: Female Parliamentarians and Domestic Financing for an Equal Post-2015 Agenda
Money Matters: Female Parliamentarians and Domestic Financing for an Equal Post-2015 Agenda
  The United Nation's Third International Conference on Financing for Development is around the corner (13 - 16 July).     In line with the overarching topics of the Conference, such…