CSW Side Event on "“The Role of Parliaments as Partners in Women, Peace and Security”
For the 62nd Session of the Commission of the Status on Women, the Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations, the United National Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Civil Society Action Network, seek to organise a side event highlighting the unique but often neglected role parliaments play in the implementation of the global Women, Peace and Security Agenda, with a focus on strategies for enhancing their engagement, the participation of parliamentarians, and civic engagement with parliaments around WPS issues.
The side event seeks to highlight importance of engaging women’s civil society organisations, by giving them a voice through collaborations and consultations. The discussions will inform the inception of UNDP’s Peacebuilding through Parliaments initiative.
Expected outcomes include 1) forging collaboration between parliaments and women’s rights civil society activists; 2) identifying opportunities for increasing participation and leadership of female Parliamentarians in key decision-making and oversights mechanisms, including by enhancing their facilitation and mediation skills; 3) reinforcing parliamentary supervision and oversight of National Action Plans for UNSCR 1325 and increasing conscience and comprehension of the importance of the Women, Security and Peace agenda among Parliamentarians and civil society.
Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations (TBD), Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations(TBD), UNDP, International Civil Society Action Network
- State Secretary Jens Frølich Holte from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Norway)
- Parliamentarians from
- Sierra Leone
- Kyrgyzstan
- Indonesia
- Moderator ICAN Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini
- UNDP representative
UN Headquarters, Conference Room 11
UN Headquarters, Conference Room 11