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Film screening of La Hija Del General (The General’s Daughter)



Film screening of La Hija Del General (The General’s Daughter)

The National Democratic Institute Women’s Political Participation Team


The National Capital Chapter of the US National Committee for UN Women

Cordially invite you to a film screening of


La Hija Del General (The General’s Daughter)


TimeTuesday, March 8, at 5:30pm – 7:30pm

LocationThe National Democratic Institute 2030 M St., NW, 5th Floor Washington, D.C.


Sergio Bitar, Former Chilean Minister of Public Works, President of Party Pro Democracy (PPD), Currently visiting senior fellow Inter American Dialogue

Allida Black, Women’s Political Participation Program Manager, NDI

M Eugenia Hirmas, Socio Cultural Director of President Bachelet

Katy Mudge, Latin America and the Carribean Senior Program Manager, NDI

La Hija Del General follows Michelle Bachelet on her surprising journey along the campaign trail to becoming the first woman president of Chile, one of South America’s most conservative nations.  Dr. Bachelet is now the first Under Secretary General of the brand new UN Women agency created to accelerate the UN goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women.  The film screening will be followed by a panel of experts to discuss the new UN agency and Dr. Bachelet’s impact on women’s political participation in development programming.


Please RSVP at


and direct any questions to Nalika Vasudevan at


For more information on the National Capital Chapter, UN Women/USNC visit our website at


Click here for a review of La Hija Del General.


Director: María Elena Wood, Chile, 2006, 59 minutesSpanish with English subtitles