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Third European Conference on Politics and Gender



Third European Conference on Politics and Gender

About the Conference

The ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics forms a broad-based network on issues relating to the study of gender and sexuality in politics and world politics. Over the past twenty years, the research conducted in this field has expanded significantly and the number of gender and politics scholars participating in the ECPR Joint Sessions and General Conferences has increased exponentially.

In 2007, the Standing Group on Gender and Politics decided to arrange the first ever conference dedicated to this exciting field of research, called the European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG). It was held in Belfast, 21-23 January 2009, and was an enormous success: more than 300 scholars converged for three days of panels, plenaries and socialising. The aim at that time was to turn the new conference into a bi-annual international conference on gender and politics. Its second edition was held in Budapest, 13-15 January 2011, and the number of participants was even larger. We are pleased to launch the 3rd European Conference on Politics and Gender to be held in Barcelona, 21-23 March 2013.

• The conference will be held in various seminar and lecture rooms at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) campus.

• The conference will be hosted by the Department of Political and Social Sciences at UPF.

Co-convenors: Karen Celis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) & Isabelle Engeli (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Local organiser: Tània Verge (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)

Steering committee:
Sarah Childs (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
Susan Franceschet (University of Calgary, Canada)
Johanna Kantola (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Andrea Krizsan (Central European University, Hungary)
Emanuela Lombardo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Joni Lovenduski (Birkbeck College, University of London, United Kingdom)
Amy Gale Mazur (Washington State University, USA)
Pippa Norris (Harvard University,USA)
Joyce Outshoorn (Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands)
Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir (University of Iceland, Iceland)

Registration Deadline for registration is February 15th 2013. Registration fee: 150€ Reduced fee (students: undergraduates, Master and PhD students): 100€ Conference dinner (22nd March 2013): 45€ Cancellation Policy: 1. Cancellations done before 21st January 2013 will receive a refund of 50% of the registration fee. 2. Cancellations done between 21st January and 21st February 2013 will receive a refund of 25% of the registration fee. 3. Cancellations done after 21st February 2013 will not receive a refund. To proceed with registration, please click here. You will be redirected to UPF Eventia. The registration fee can be paid by credit card or bank transfer.

More information at ECPG.
