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IDEA: from national uprising to international threat

World News

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IDEA: from national uprising to international threat


15 Mar 2012 - At the United Nations 2005 World Summit, leaders of all nations agreed on two things highly relevant to today's situation in Syria. They reaffirmed democracy as a universal value. And they agreed on the doctrine of responsibility to protect. They stated a "clear and unambiguous acceptance by all governments of the collective international responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity," and their "willingness to take timely and decisive collective action for this purpose, through the Security Council, when peaceful means prove adequate and national authorities are manifestly failing to do it."

For the full story, see International IDEA.

15 Mar 2012 - At the United Nations 2005 World Summit, leaders of all nations agreed on two things highly relevant to today's situation in Syria. They reaffirmed democracy as a universal value. And they agreed on the doctrine of responsibility to protect. They stated a "clear and unambiguous acceptance by all governments of the collective international responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity," and their "willingness to take timely and decisive collective action for this purpose, through the Security Council, when peaceful means prove adequate and national authorities are manifestly failing to do it."

For the full story, see International IDEA.