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NDI: Sierra Leone- National Democratic Institute schools female politicians

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NDI: Sierra Leone- National Democratic Institute schools female politicians


30 April 2012 - Female aspirants for the November 17th General Elections drawn from all four Districts of Bo, Moyamba ,Pujehun and Bonthe have benefited from a two day training under the sponsorship of the National Democratic Institute.

The training, which was held from Monday April 23rd to Tuesday 24TH at the Sahara Hotel in Bo, was aimed at meaningful participation of women in National, Local and Community leadership role, has become an important focus of global development policy.
Women political participation results in tangible gains for Democracy, including greater responsiveness to citizen needs, increased cooperation across party and ethnic lines and more sustainable peace.

For the full story, see Awoko.

30 April 2012 - Female aspirants for the November 17th General Elections drawn from all four Districts of Bo, Moyamba ,Pujehun and Bonthe have benefited from a two day training under the sponsorship of the National Democratic Institute.

The training, which was held from Monday April 23rd to Tuesday 24TH at the Sahara Hotel in Bo, was aimed at meaningful participation of women in National, Local and Community leadership role, has become an important focus of global development policy.
Women political participation results in tangible gains for Democracy, including greater responsiveness to citizen needs, increased cooperation across party and ethnic lines and more sustainable peace.

For the full story, see Awoko.