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UN Women: Mexico - Mobilizing to increase women in decision-making in Mexico

World News

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UN Women: Mexico - Mobilizing to increase women in decision-making in Mexico


18 April 2012- “Rise up and sit at the table. Negotiate, because you are not alone. We are many women waiting for you to negotiate on our behalf “. The call comes from a strong commitment among Mexican women and SUMA (meaning sum of all parts in Spanish), an alliance of five civil society organizations which is working to increase women in decision-making in Mexico. The organization has been supported since 2011 by UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, in cooperation with the National Institute for Women. The Fund aims to advance women’s economic and political empowerment through high-impact, multi-year grants of up to USD 1 million

For the full story, see UN Women.

18 April 2012- “Rise up and sit at the table. Negotiate, because you are not alone. We are many women waiting for you to negotiate on our behalf “. The call comes from a strong commitment among Mexican women and SUMA (meaning sum of all parts in Spanish), an alliance of five civil society organizations which is working to increase women in decision-making in Mexico. The organization has been supported since 2011 by UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, in cooperation with the National Institute for Women. The Fund aims to advance women’s economic and political empowerment through high-impact, multi-year grants of up to USD 1 million

For the full story, see UN Women.