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Egypt: Egyptian women still struggle for a spot in politics

World News

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Egypt: Egyptian women still struggle for a spot in politics


Despite their noticeable participation in pro-democracy protests that toppled the former regime and paved the way for a new era in Egypt, Egyptian women are still finding themselves relatively excluded from the current political scene.

The current cabinet includes only one female, while both the fact-finding committee responsible for investigating police violations that took place during Egypt's uprising and the committee that drafted the constitutional amendments up for referendum next Saturday are comprised only of men.

For more information, please visit Almasryalyoum.


Despite their noticeable participation in pro-democracy protests that toppled the former regime and paved the way for a new era in Egypt, Egyptian women are still finding themselves relatively excluded from the current political scene.

The current cabinet includes only one female, while both the fact-finding committee responsible for investigating police violations that took place during Egypt's uprising and the committee that drafted the constitutional amendments up for referendum next Saturday are comprised only of men.

For more information, please visit Almasryalyoum.
