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Egypt: Women turn out in high numbers to vote, yet their share in parliament looks to be slim

World News

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Egypt: Women turn out in high numbers to vote, yet their share in parliament looks to be slim


Preliminary reports from the first day of Egypt’s historic parliamentary elections suggest that women voters have turned out in high numbers to make their voices heard.

However, some women’s rights campaigners fear that, despite the enthusiasm of female voters, the new parliament will see a record low in the number of women elected.

Women, who were given the vote in 1956, have historically been under-represented in political life in Egypt. A quota of seats reserved for female candidates was first implemented in 1979. In the parliamentary elections of 2010, widely viewed as corrupt and fraudulent, a total of 64 seats were reserved for women.

Read more in Ahram Online, published 29. Nov


Preliminary reports from the first day of Egypt’s historic parliamentary elections suggest that women voters have turned out in high numbers to make their voices heard.

However, some women’s rights campaigners fear that, despite the enthusiasm of female voters, the new parliament will see a record low in the number of women elected.

Women, who were given the vote in 1956, have historically been under-represented in political life in Egypt. A quota of seats reserved for female candidates was first implemented in 1979. In the parliamentary elections of 2010, widely viewed as corrupt and fraudulent, a total of 64 seats were reserved for women.

Read more in Ahram Online, published 29. Nov
