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Ireland: Conference examines issues for women considering politics

World News

Submitted by JacqueeTsuma on

Ireland: Conference examines issues for women considering politics


Have a passion and belief, don’t over promise and obsess about the small stuff - advice for women considering politics

“If you don’t feel it, then don’t do it. Politics and passion are interlinked; your passion will carry you through on the tough days”, stated Mayo Cllr. Rose Conway-Walsh as she addressed a recent seminar in Longford on ‘Women Succeeding in Local Government – Turning Inspiration into Action’. Organised by Longford Women’s Link, participants were certainly inspired as they listened to such nougats of advice from MEP Marian Harkin, Senator Susan O’Keeffe and Councillors from Mayo, Galway and Sligo.

Read the original article published 21 Thursday 2012 at Donegal Democrat.


Have a passion and belief, don’t over promise and obsess about the small stuff - advice for women considering politics

“If you don’t feel it, then don’t do it. Politics and passion are interlinked; your passion will carry you through on the tough days”, stated Mayo Cllr. Rose Conway-Walsh as she addressed a recent seminar in Longford on ‘Women Succeeding in Local Government – Turning Inspiration into Action’. Organised by Longford Women’s Link, participants were certainly inspired as they listened to such nougats of advice from MEP Marian Harkin, Senator Susan O’Keeffe and Councillors from Mayo, Galway and Sligo.

Read the original article published 21 Thursday 2012 at Donegal Democrat.
