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Saudi Arabia: Activists Give Blueprint for Reform to Saudi King

World News

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Saudi Arabia: Activists Give Blueprint for Reform to Saudi King


Saudi rights activists have sent King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz a petition asking for an elected parliament, term limits on royal princes appointed to official posts, and an end to "secret tribunals" for Saudis charged with terrorism offences.The petition, which also requests that the post of prime minister be given to "a commoner," is another attempt by Saudi Arabia's tiny but persistent democracy movement to get its voice heard in an absolute monarchy that prohibits political parties.
To read the full article please visit the Gulfnews website.


Saudi rights activists have sent King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz a petition asking for an elected parliament, term limits on royal princes appointed to official posts, and an end to "secret tribunals" for Saudis charged with terrorism offences.The petition, which also requests that the post of prime minister be given to "a commoner," is another attempt by Saudi Arabia's tiny but persistent democracy movement to get its voice heard in an absolute monarchy that prohibits political parties.
To read the full article please visit the Gulfnews website.
