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Sierra Leone: The thing about 30% quota for women

World News

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Sierra Leone: The thing about 30% quota for women


Last year I went to an International Women's Day Celebration at an Irish diplomat’s house on invitation from a member of the Mano River Women's Peace Network (MARWOPNET). There were many middle class educated Sierra Leonean women present. The host introduced us to Elizabeth Simbiwa Sogbo-Tortu who was barred from contesting for the chieftaincy in Kono because she was a woman, although traditional law in the Southern region permits female chiefs. The case was then being pursued at the Supreme Court. We ate, drank, and at the end of it all, we bought Tee Shirts with the phrase: De Absolute Minimum 30% quota representation for women in politics. I didn't think much of the tee shirt then nor of its message, for as a middle class educated Sierra Leonean woman, I didn't see how that issue related to me.

For the whole comment, go to Cocoriko


Last year I went to an International Women's Day Celebration at an Irish diplomat’s house on invitation from a member of the Mano River Women's Peace Network (MARWOPNET). There were many middle class educated Sierra Leonean women present. The host introduced us to Elizabeth Simbiwa Sogbo-Tortu who was barred from contesting for the chieftaincy in Kono because she was a woman, although traditional law in the Southern region permits female chiefs. The case was then being pursued at the Supreme Court. We ate, drank, and at the end of it all, we bought Tee Shirts with the phrase: De Absolute Minimum 30% quota representation for women in politics. I didn't think much of the tee shirt then nor of its message, for as a middle class educated Sierra Leonean woman, I didn't see how that issue related to me.

For the whole comment, go to Cocoriko
