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Taiwan Elects First Female President

World News

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Taiwan Elects First Female President


Tsai Ing-wen won 56% of the votes on Saturday and thus became Taiwan’s first woman to win the presidency office. “The results today tell me the people want to see a government that is willing to listen to people, that is more transparent and accountable and a government that is more capable of leading us past our current challenges and taking care of those in need,” she said in a news conference outside her party’s headquarters. For more information, please click here


Tsai Ing-wen won 56% of the votes on Saturday and thus became Taiwan’s first woman to win the presidency office. “The results today tell me the people want to see a government that is willing to listen to people, that is more transparent and accountable and a government that is more capable of leading us past our current challenges and taking care of those in need,” she said in a news conference outside her party’s headquarters. For more information, please click here
