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USA: Women rally at White House for missing Libyan woman

World News

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USA: Women rally at White House for missing Libyan woman


Protests against Moammar Gadhafi have been a daily occurrence outside the White House since weeks before the U.S. and allies established a no-fly zone over Libya.

But on Wednesday, a small group of North African women held a separate demonstration along Pennsylvania Avenue to draw attention to the case of Eman al-Obaidi, the young lawyer who made international headlines by entering a Tripoli hotel and telling a gathering of western journalists that Gadhafi government forces had raped her.

For more information, please visit WTOP.  


Protests against Moammar Gadhafi have been a daily occurrence outside the White House since weeks before the U.S. and allies established a no-fly zone over Libya.

But on Wednesday, a small group of North African women held a separate demonstration along Pennsylvania Avenue to draw attention to the case of Eman al-Obaidi, the young lawyer who made international headlines by entering a Tripoli hotel and telling a gathering of western journalists that Gadhafi government forces had raped her.

For more information, please visit WTOP.  
