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Will the Netherlands’ gender quota experiment work?

February 18, 2021

Will the Netherlands’ gender quota experiment work?

Quotas are unpopular, especially in the liberal Netherlands. But next week its parliament is expected to impose a quota system to ensure major businesses employ more women at the highest levels.

Quotas are unpopular, especially in the liberal Netherlands. But next week its parliament is expected to impose a quota system to ensure major businesses employ more women at the highest levels.

World News

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala makes history as WTO's first African and female leader

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Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala makes history as WTO's first African and female leader


Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a former two-time Nigerian finance minister, was appointed Monday to the be the next director-general of the World Trade Organization. She is the first African and the first woman to lead the body, which governs trade rules between nations.

"This is a very significant moment for the WTO," David Walker, the WTO's General Council chair, said in a statement.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a former two-time Nigerian finance minister, was appointed Monday to the be the next director-general of the World Trade Organization. She is the first African and the first woman to lead the body, which governs trade rules between nations.

"This is a very significant moment for the WTO," David Walker, the WTO's General Council chair, said in a statement.

How Have Women Leaders Shaped South Asia’s Politics?

February 15, 2021

How Have Women Leaders Shaped South Asia’s Politics?

South Asia has elected its share of prominent women politicians. But what has that meant for gender equality and women’s rights on the ground?

South Asia has elected its share of prominent women politicians. But what has that meant for gender equality and women’s rights on the ground?


Launch of “Women doing politics differently: Developing local caucus with women councillors"


Launch of “Women doing politics differently: Developing local caucus with women councillors"

The National Womens Council will launch the findings of research carried out in 2020 examining interest in local women's caucuses and what supports ar

World News

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala set to become W.T.O.’s first female leader

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Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala set to become W.T.O.’s first female leader


Her path was cleared after Yoo Myung-hee, the South Korean trade minister, announced she was withdrawing from consideration to head the World Trade Organization.

Her path was cleared after Yoo Myung-hee, the South Korean trade minister, announced she was withdrawing from consideration to head the World Trade Organization.

World News

Iceland’s Parliament reschedules sessions, opens nursery to be a more family-friendly workplace

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Iceland’s Parliament reschedules sessions, opens nursery to be a more family-friendly workplace


A nursery, complete with a diaper change facility, has been opened at the first floor of Iceland’s Parliament building. Secretary-General of Alþingi Ragna Árnadóttir told Vísir that this is a good step towards making Parliament a more family-friendly workplace. Parliamentary sessions have also recently been rescheduled in order to shorten workweek and increase predictability for parliament staff.

A nursery, complete with a diaper change facility, has been opened at the first floor of Iceland’s Parliament building. Secretary-General of Alþingi Ragna Árnadóttir told Vísir that this is a good step towards making Parliament a more family-friendly workplace. Parliamentary sessions have also recently been rescheduled in order to shorten workweek and increase predictability for parliament staff.

Women, politics and opposition

February 11, 2021

Women, politics and opposition

The conventional consensus is that Pakistan lags behind severely in gender equality. However, one area where it has made progress is women in politics. It is one of 70 countries in the world that has had a woman prime minister or president.

The conventional consensus is that Pakistan lags behind severely in gender equality. However, one area where it has made progress is women in politics. It is one of 70 countries in the world that has had a woman prime minister or president.

World News

Gender quota helps women win in Egypt

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Gender quota helps women win in Egypt


By Fatma Tawfik

In 2019, after Egypt witnessed a long fight for gender equality in the political, economic and social spheres, the Egyptian parliament approved a constitutional amendment that includes a gender quota, reserving 25 percent of parliamentary seats for women. 

By Fatma Tawfik

In 2019, after Egypt witnessed a long fight for gender equality in the political, economic and social spheres, the Egyptian parliament approved a constitutional amendment that includes a gender quota, reserving 25 percent of parliamentary seats for women. 

Why don’t more women run for office?

February 5, 2021

Why don’t more women run for office?

A century ago, Agnes Macphail was the first woman elected to the House of Commons. While female participation in federal office has increased significantly since then, women still only make up 28 per cent of Parliament today.

A century ago, Agnes Macphail was the first woman elected to the House of Commons. While female participation in federal office has increased significantly since then, women still only make up 28 per cent of Parliament today.

Want a well-run pandemic response? Put a woman in charge

February 5, 2021

Want a well-run pandemic response? Put a woman in charge

As Boris Johnson’s Britain notches up 100,000 deaths, the statistics for female-run countries are incomparably better. But is the connection as simple as it looks?

As Boris Johnson’s Britain notches up 100,000 deaths, the statistics for female-run countries are incomparably better. But is the connection as simple as it looks?