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World News

25 years after Beijing, IPU analysis shows that gender parity is possible

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25 years after Beijing, IPU analysis shows that gender parity is possible


A quarter of a century after the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, the overall percentage of women in parliaments has reached 24.9 per cent in 2020, up from 11.3 per cent in 1995. In four countries (Rwanda, Cuba, Bolivia and the United Arab Emirates) women now account for 50 per cent or more MPs in their lower or single chambers compared with 1995 when no parliament had reached gender parity. Gender quotas remain critical success factors for women to be better represented in parliament, especially young women.

A quarter of a century after the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, the overall percentage of women in parliaments has reached 24.9 per cent in 2020, up from 11.3 per cent in 1995. In four countries (Rwanda, Cuba, Bolivia and the United Arab Emirates) women now account for 50 per cent or more MPs in their lower or single chambers compared with 1995 when no parliament had reached gender parity. Gender quotas remain critical success factors for women to be better represented in parliament, especially young women.

World News

Women leaders translate rights into outcomes in Central African Republic

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Women leaders translate rights into outcomes in Central African Republic


Women leaders suffered unspeakable atrocities during the conflict in the Central African Republic in which militias killed thousands and displaced many more. These women remain devoted to forging peace in their country and are doing so with help and support from International IDEA.

Women leaders suffered unspeakable atrocities during the conflict in the Central African Republic in which militias killed thousands and displaced many more. These women remain devoted to forging peace in their country and are doing so with help and support from International IDEA.

World News

Making legislation more gender-sensitive

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Making legislation more gender-sensitive


As part of their research to produce a handbook to address the issue of legislation that discriminates against women, the IPU and UN Women recently held virtual consultations with parliamentarians from around the world.

As part of their research to produce a handbook to address the issue of legislation that discriminates against women, the IPU and UN Women recently held virtual consultations with parliamentarians from around the world.


Gender Equality Report: Findings from the Women in Political Parties Index


Gender Equality Report: Findings from the Women in Political Parties Index

This event will present the results of the inaugural Liberal International Women in Political Parties Survey and launch the first-ever Liberal International Gender Equalit

World News

UNDP and UN Women launch COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker

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UNDP and UN Women launch COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker


Most of the world’s nations are not doing enough to protect women and girls from the economic and social fallout being caused by the COVID-19 crisis, according to new data released today by UNDP and UN Women from the COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker.

Most of the world’s nations are not doing enough to protect women and girls from the economic and social fallout being caused by the COVID-19 crisis, according to new data released today by UNDP and UN Women from the COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker.

World News

Election bot counters sexist abuse in New Zealand, one tweet at a time

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Election bot counters sexist abuse in New Zealand, one tweet at a time


An abuse-fighting bot has sent out hundreds of positive messages on social media to counter the online harassment of women candidates in New Zealand's general election.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, her main rival the opposition leader Judith Collins and more than 260 female parliamentary candidates have become a target for online hatred and sexism ahead of the Oct. 17 national polls.

An abuse-fighting bot has sent out hundreds of positive messages on social media to counter the online harassment of women candidates in New Zealand's general election.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, her main rival the opposition leader Judith Collins and more than 260 female parliamentary candidates have become a target for online hatred and sexism ahead of the Oct. 17 national polls.

The small-town takeout store worker who won over New Zealand -- and the world

October 15, 2020

The small-town takeout store worker who won over New Zealand -- and the world

It's Friday night in the small town of Morrinsville and a handful of locals are waiting at the Golden Kiwi on the main street for a greasy parcel of fish and chips.

It's Friday night in the small town of Morrinsville and a handful of locals are waiting at the Golden Kiwi on the main street for a greasy parcel of fish and chips.

World News

Never say die? German bill using feminine word forms sparks row

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Never say die? German bill using feminine word forms sparks row


Germany’s justice ministry has sparked an argument over gender and language by drafting a bill that uses only feminine endings, giving some the impression that it applies only to women.

Legal texts in Germany usually use the masculine version of words such as “employee” or “landlord” to cover both men and women.

But campaigners have been arguing for years that using this language excludes women or gives the impression they are less important.

Germany’s justice ministry has sparked an argument over gender and language by drafting a bill that uses only feminine endings, giving some the impression that it applies only to women.

Legal texts in Germany usually use the masculine version of words such as “employee” or “landlord” to cover both men and women.

But campaigners have been arguing for years that using this language excludes women or gives the impression they are less important.


Myanmar still fails to bring more women into politics

October 14, 2020

Myanmar still fails to bring more women into politics

Women account for 51 percent of Myanmar’s population and 19 million out of 37 million eligible voters at the 2020 general election.

Women account for 51 percent of Myanmar’s population and 19 million out of 37 million eligible voters at the 2020 general election.